Worst Host Advantage I've Ever Seen

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:23 am

Okay I'm 37 years old and play FPS almost exclusively so I've been around the block a few times. Never in my life have I seen host advantage as extreme as this. You will know at the beginning of every match whether you're going to dominate or be crushed.

In 100% of my matches last night, the hosting team won, and the actual host finished in 1st place. It's like one team has God mode enabled basically. You can put a hundred rounds into somebody and they will just turn and kill you in the blink of an eye. It's so frustrating!

It also svcks all the fun out of the game knowing who's going to win before it even starts. And for the record, it's not being owned a I have a problem with. I think it's lame when we get the advantage as well. Heck I was host several times and while I did feel like a beast, it was just completely unfair. I like skill to be the determining factor when I play online. That's one reason I sold Black Ops a few months ago.

I absolutely love every other thing about the game. If thie one issue could be resolved I will be playing for a logn time. If not, it's going back pronto.

Edit: I'm playing on the PS3 so I don't know if it's the same for the other platforms.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:36 am

Actually, even on the PC, I could occasionally see people with better ping having an advantage. So, this is definitely not a console exclusive problem, but yeah, I'm pretty sure it's not that drastic with dedicated servers.

The networking for this game isn't good. Not even gonna flower it up. It's bad. Try to find matches where you have a 3 or 4 bar connection. That's the only thing you can do, to be honest.
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:36 am

Yeah I did have 4 green bars for the last few matches we played, (game made me host), and I felt like a God, lol. But still, I want an even playing field for everyone. That's one of the most important factors of any MP game for me personally.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:03 pm

Consoles have always been terrible for host connections :/

The day consoles don't deal with p2p networking (which they never will because it's cheap and 'good enough' for the kiddies who make up too damn much of the console userbase) will be a great day.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:34 am

Consoles have always been terrible for host connections :/

The day consoles don't deal with p2p networking (which they never will because it's cheap and 'good enough' for the kiddies who make up too damn much of the console userbase) will be a great day.

So true. I said I would never buy another P2P game, (except Brink), after Black Ops but I gave in to the hype. I really should learn to listen to that little voice in my head, (not the one telling me to kill my neighbours - the other one saying, "Remember how much Black Ops svcked online???").
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:09 am

It's not unusual. Host has advantage in pretty much every P2P FPS on consoles anyway. That being said, it doesn't automatically mean first place.

Tbh I've had plenty of encounters on online FPS games where I thought I'd started shooting first and in fact it was just my lag that made me think so, but regardless of this I'm usually able to come high up on the scoreboard with a positive K/D. The best thing to do in gunfights is shoot while strafing/crouching and moving in general so that even if you don't have the advantage of getting first shot, you can often win the head-on gunfight. I do this absolutely ALL THE TIME in CoD, and rarely lose gunfights unless I failed to employ it. The connection issues were also present in the demo, and although needing a patch, are not crippling.

tl;dr --> Patch please, but until then move and shoot/don't be a target and lag will find it harder to cheat you.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:47 am

It's not unusual. Host has advantage in pretty much every P2P FPS on consoles anyway. That being said, it doesn't automatically mean first place.


Normally I'd agree but I titled my topic the way I did for a reason. Now I'm not completely ignorant - I know console gaming has to deal with stuff like this from time to time. However, I am being 100% honest when I say the host team won every single game, and the host himself came in first place all but twice. That was over a couple of hours of playing. For instance one guy went 20-2 when he was the host. The next match it put him on our team and he was no longer host - it stayed on the other side. He went like 3-7 or something like that.

Was in another match later on where the host absolutely ****ed us like nothing I've ever seen before. He had a Ceth gunship and airstrikes pretty much the entire match. We got spawn-trapped to hell. It was frustrating to be shooting the crap out of enemies only to see them, (seemingly), soak up bullets like a sponge does water.
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liz barnes
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:46 pm

Wow.. I would've left that game SO fast.

If my bars are that low I rarely stay and play.
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Marie Maillos
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:04 am

Wow.. I would've left that game SO fast.

If my bars are that low I rarely stay and play.

It was my last match of the night. I was host for a while and then it chose someone else on the other team and we were destroyed like two games in a row. That's when I decided to call it a night, lol.

I am hoping Crytek can do something although from my experiences in the past, something like this never really goes away. It would be a shame to let such a polished game be marred by one stupid little thing like this.
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