how do i find out what my e mail is on my account

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:25 pm

i remember my user name but not my email and there is no options anywhere to change e mail or anything, anyone know?
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Queen of Spades
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:27 am

I found a way out... I've ran into the same problem.

Click, 'Help & Support' and look below into the Contact Us box.

I was trying to email them a support question when my email was prepopulated there... Infact, I can't even change my god damn email account, nor **** log into my account.
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Jonathan Egan
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:06 am

my problem is pretty severe. SOMEHOW i made to accounts with the same email and SOMEHOW they freaking missed it. I've sent the emails and a bunch of letters trying to ask how to change my email and the pricks wont answer. It took me 8 hours to figure out why my multiplayer wouldnt work..turned out i had 2 accounts with same e mail and the account i was trying to use wouldnt work when i logged onto this account it worked. however I can see having 2 accoutns with same email messing something up later when DLC comes out. I hope they answer me..because im about to just go play HOMEFRONT and never come back to crysis 2. This is bullcrap. I want answers or at least a little help. Nothing. NOTHING. NOTHING. I hope they fix this its freaking making me mad. Anyway hope everyone else is having fun enjoying the game!
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:53 am

I am in the same boat. When I installed the game, I created my account through the game. I then couldn't do multiplayer. I then came to this site and tried to login and had password issues.

I created a new account and then changed the e-mail on my old account to one I never used. I then tried to change the e-mail on this account to my regular one.

Everything seemed to to work but now all my accounts are jacked. I am able to login here but the e-mail didn't stick. I have this account that I can login with. I have a 2nd e-mail that has the right e-mail address but no login name.

When I try to log into the game, I now have to use this login name but again I am not using my normal e-mail that I want to and I am locked out of multiplayer.

What I'd love to do is just blow up all my accounts and start over or at the worst just merge my 2 accounts. Bottom line is I paid over $60 and I can't play the game.
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