» Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:35 am
It is disappointing for me to read about the proliferation of hacks for this game. I played the hell out of the PC Public Demo and loved every minute of it, just couldn't get enough of killing you guys <3. I really hope this problem with MP Security gets resolved soon, I'm done playing Bad Company 2 and would really really like to be getting my **** unlocked for Crysis 2. I can only beat the single player campaign so many times while waiting for this nonsense to get sorted. Granted it has been less than a week, and it was released according to an Electronic Arts schedule, so we can't exactly get mad at Cevat and Crytek for what their employers tell them to do. What we should have the right to be mad about though is if they do not fix these issues. A day one patch and the continued updates from Cry-Adam and the rest of the guys here give me hope that soon enough we will be all biching at each other in server with bullets and not doing it here with flimsy words on a forum. Hang in there guys, this **** will be amazing when it is done. I guarantee it! <--- Men's Warehouse reference...)