» Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:41 am
Then your stats will say you have won XX matches, when its not really true.
I could see if you were playing UNRANKED, Then it wouldn't matter.
If i wanted to switch teams in halo reach after i was about to loose, would that not be cheating.
regardless of having 1 friend with me.
who the **** cares what your win/loss score is. This isn't MLG bro. If you really care about win/loss ratio then play MLG. oh wait... you wouldn't be able to because of no team changing LOL.
I'm sick of games coming out where we aren't allowed to play with friends. It's really getting on my nerves.
Everyone knows the only skill stat that really matters is kdr anyway. Unless your playing in MLG, but if you aren't in MLG then who the hell cares? You get idiot team mates all the time.