Single Player svcks, Multiplayer hacked, No Directx11....

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:14 am

I no longer support Crytek products / video games because...

Single player svcks, multiplayer has been compromised and a game created in 2011 does not have Directx 11 support. The game does NOT EVEN have native support for MULTI-GPU and its common to have MULTI-GPU's now since they are cheaper.

"In a post on gamesas, Crytek community manager Cry-Tom addressed the rumours."

"No patch was ever confirmed, I have no idea why this website even posted such information,"

This game was CLEARLY developed to make money and that is the final concern and they won't even FIX the game so there you go no support left.

Crytek paid off their RATINGS so we can spend our money on this game.
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emily grieve
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