Crysis 2 Sandbox question. Reguarding purchase or not

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:02 am

ALL NEGATIVITY ASIDE. My honest concern and question.

Ok. Granted.
Crysis has pretty graphics.
next year that will be old news.
next month the single player maps will be old news.
next month the multiplayer will be old news.

Question is, I bought crysis one souly because of the sandbox.

I need to know if crysis 2 includes sandbox for crysis 2.
Crysis 2's pretty levels and standard issue multiplayer is just another pretty shooter.

Im a huge fan of crysis 1. Farcry 1, doom3.
Ive been playing FPS sense Wolf3d.exe /wolfed.exe
and even catacombs (The FPS that was beta to Wolfenstein 3d.

Ill give crysis its great credit for the few things it does BEST.

But I will not be buying it without the editor. Its that simple.

Ill buy it the day the editor is released.

I play the game to play with the physics. To play with the enemies, etc etc.
not the static boring scripted AI from compeign.

to be honest, crytek AI is the akillies heal of its FPS.

Example.. *If you didnt personally paint a target on the gate.. The UI wont jump over it**

horrible AI.

Does Crysis 2 come with a new sandbox editor ? or no ?

my purchase depends SOULY on this one option.

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Ymani Hood
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:26 am

Don't cry about pirates.
I'm looking to buy the game.
Im sure if i researched google hard enough, I could figure it out reguardless.

I would like to buy Crysis 2.

but the point is, I never would have installed Crysis 1, after I beat it the first time, if it were not for the editor.
Ive never gone back through crysis one. its boring after the first time, the AI is just too dull.

the editor is why I was happy I paid.

I would have never installed it again if not for sandbox.

I bought Farcry 1.
I purchased Crysis 1.
I purchased Farcry 2.

etc etc etc.
I do not pay 5 bucks or 10 bucks for trivial download content thats pathetically small,
such as 5 bucks for 2 costumes.
5 bucks for a horse (Bethsda joke).
5 bucks for 4 maps.
Etc etc etc.

not only is my business lost.
I no longer respect these companies, and refuse to do further business with them.

There are too many other great games out there that dont nickle and dime you.

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:41 am

SB3 and a SDK will be released in the summer. This will and is separate from C2 and you'll not be able to edit C2 or use any of it's assets. The editor is for indi studios and devs.
This for me was and is the biggest pile of bs Lietek led us down, and is the biggest deal breaker for me.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:41 am

Thank you very much.
Glad I decided to double check.
I thought surely crytek would release sandbox 3 for its users.
It looks like they are on the 4 dollar nickle and dime DLC bandwagon also.
I wasn't looking forward to cruddy AI much anyways ^ ^.

It wasn't the game I was buying Crytek / EA.
It was the replay value included with sandbox 3.

Ill check back next week for updates.
Ill buy it as soon as Sandbox 3 is an option.
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louise hamilton
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:19 am

You may as well save your money then for BF3 as SB3 and C2 just aint happening :(
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