Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:55 am

@ iPwn

only ONE cvars I can't find within the list:
this one I like to set to 1 ;)

I've taken a free day ( holiday? ) for friday this week. I can't wait to play the game. With or without 'graphics-fine-tune - DX11 - Sandbox3' . Whatever forum-posting will suggest, I will enjoy the game, even if some ppl say that an 49 years aged man is too old to play games :)

And now, the old man carries his bones straight into his bedroom --- good night folks :)
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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:46 pm

#e_VegetationSprites= I'm not a graphics artist but doesn't even just the term vegetation sprites seem like an Epic Fail?
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Marquis T
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:59 am

classic PC elitism..
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leigh stewart
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:48 am

Crytek! We need a response... Explain why you delayed DX11. I cant play until DX11 patch and just plain svcks balls. I am so freekin angry, but I wont swear, I wanna punch something, but I wont break....


FFS, Get your **** together, respond to your community. DICE are kicking your arse in this area, they are in touch with the community, informative and helpful, all things you are currently failing in. I am still a fan, and cant wait to play Crysis 2, but you are really rubbing thousands of people up the wrong way. This is likely going to be that last game I but from you. Unless I see real improvement in your people skills.

Give us a date immediately on DX11 release. As if we should even have to ask for this BS! Announce it on twitter, FB, everywhere, so your whole community get it!
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:06 am

And to the console gamers let see how you like it when Mobile gaming takes over and all you get is a port of Angry Birds (which like Crysis 2 is an awesome game for it's right format). With advanced shadows, high quality textures and 10 minute long cut scenes.

This is not even a criticism of Crysis 2 it's a criticism of the entire industries attitude to PC. And today the industry lost a gamer completely I'm not gonna start gaming on console because of this (and by this I mean that Crytek didn't do what nobody else did and give us a proper PC game like they did in 2007) I will just stop gaming.

It was Crysis that made me a gamer again and I guess it's fitting Crysis 2 should see that come full circle.

Now this is not some Earth shattering thing though don't get me wrong I have only been a gamer for 5 out of the last 13 years most of that time I did not own or play a single game. I am very much in and out of gaming anyway, but this tipped it for me I'm not gonna be here hoping for something special if it happens it happens but until then I'll just play the games I own which already includes Crysis 2. But it's gonna take something like BF3 or maybe even better to hook me in again.

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:08 am

Wow, the "Crysis PC Community" seems like a bunch of whiny brats. Does it svck that they removed a ton of options? Yes, it does. Do you need to bich, moan, and threaten the developer because of it? No. It is worthless to get so angry over a video game.

Grow up and stop throwing such a petty tantrum. If you have real concerns, write the developer a thoughtful and considerate letter. If enough people do this, they will probably give it more consideration.

Don't judge the whole PC community. Just judge that hefty 50%. It's ridiculous how much they complain on EVERYTHING on every game. I bet their parents bought their PC/PC parts for them.

Those brats really make all PC gamers look bad and it's annoying. I wish they would just move to console or quit gaming all together cus no real PC gamer wants them.

I am no brat, I am 34, bought all my PC's upgrades etc... so you really put your foot in your mouth...

If you look at Crysis 1 you would understand our stand, it was amazing day 1... This is not. Old DX9 c'mon dude you know that svcks and is not up to there standard. They should feel bad for being so behind, they should have delayed full release untill fully finished.
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DAVId MArtInez
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:27 pm

Wow, the "Crysis PC Community" seems like a bunch of whiny brats.

You realise 1 or 2 days ago that the PS3 community created a huge thread about the PS3 MP demo with loads of them jumping on the bandwagon entitled "the official **** you crytek thread" (and yes this was a typical representation of the language used inside) in which they actively encouraged piracy of Crysis 2 and even posted links to download it? No you didn't know that?


So check your facts before you come on and start bad mouthing PC Gamers!

PS: Now I gotta show my brother who bought me this game as a present how much better it looks on PC that I told him it would (because thats what Crytek said). I feel embarressed because He will probably get it for PS3 and it looks the same He's gonna think I made it up or something.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:37 am

hahaha with a topic like that your pretty much condemning anything you have to say.
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maria Dwyer
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:32 am

The title of this thread is entertaining. It sounds like the part 25 minutes before the end of an action movie where the goodie becomes a baddie and throws the live chinchillas they were defending into blenders just for fun.
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Hella Beast
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:04 pm

I think I've implied stuff I didn't mean to imply.

What I mean to say is that more "man-hours" (not effort because I'm sure people worked really hard) and more money clearly went into the console version. And by that I mean that the core of the game was made for console it couldn't have been made for PC because if it were the console couldn't run it. So the majority of investment went into the low spec and then some effort went into customizing the game beyond that, making it run better on console etc.

My response is not a threat and right now I do think it's a simple fact. I won't be buying any more games for any platform until I see the games industry making definite strides forward in visuals (and by that I do not mean games on low end hardware staring to catch up to the high end I mean actual progress) or there is a game play revolution I can get on board with. And when that happens you will know because there won't be anybody saying that a sequel looks worse than it's predecessor.

This is nothing new for me I am apt to take long periods away from video games I always have done. Typically being a fairly casual gamer at the start of a console cycle, and a non-gamer as the novelty of the visuals fade away leaving only the flat and boring underlying game play of modern times.

But I was very excited for Crysis 2 on PC. It may still turn out to be awesome but it's looking like Crytek are putting big investment into the old consoles. That level of investment in such an outdated piece of kit from a company like Crytek tells me that the games industry is still going in favor of a hardware platform that cannot even begin to provide the gaming experiences that I need in order to remain interested in the games market.

I'll still play Crysis 2 when my pre-order arrives.
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:49 am

I think I've implied stuff I didn't mean to imply.

What I mean to say is that more "man-hours" (not effort because I'm sure people worked really hard) and more money clearly went into the console version. And by that I mean that the core of the game was made for console it couldn't have been made for PC because if it were the console couldn't run it. So the majority of investment went into the low spec and then some effort went into customizing the game beyond that, making it run better on console etc.

My response is not a threat and right now I do think it's a simple fact. I won't be buying any more games for any platform until I see the games industry making definite strides forward in visuals (and by that I do not mean games on low end hardware staring to catch up to the high end I mean actual progress) or there is a game play revolution I can get on board with. And when that happens you will know because there won't be anybody saying that a sequel looks worse than it's predecessor.

This is nothing new for me I am apt to take long periods away from video games I always have done. Typically being a fairly casual gamer at the start of a console cycle, and a non-gamer as the novelty of the visuals fade away leaving only the flat and boring underlying game play of modern times.

But I was very excited for Crysis 2 on PC. It may still turn out to be awesome but it's looking like Crytek are putting big investment into the old consoles. That level of investment in such an outdated piece of kit from a company like Crytek tells me that the games industry is still going in favor of a hardware platform that cannot even begin to provide the gaming experiences that I need in order to remain interested in the games market.

I'll still play Crysis 2 when my pre-order arrives.

Nobody cares about your life story or why you think all games svck. Go back under your bridge.
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P PoLlo
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:40 am

Wow, the "Crysis PC Community" seems like a bunch of whiny brats.

You realise 1 or 2 days ago that the PS3 community created a huge thread about the PS3 MP demo with loads of them jumping on the bandwagon entitled "the official **** you crytek thread" (and yes this was a typical representation of the language used inside) in which they actively encouraged piracy of Crysis 2 and even posted links to download it? No you didn't know that?


So check your facts before you come on and start bad mouthing PC Gamers!

PS: Now I gotta show my brother who bought me this game as a present how much better it looks on PC that I told him it would (because thats what Crytek said). I feel embarressed because He will probably get it for PS3 and it looks the same He's gonna think I made it up or something.

First off, I bought Crysis 2 for PC. Hell, I would even consider myself a PC gamer but I feel it is stupid to purposefully define yourself that way. I like to play video games, regardless of their medium.

Second, how does the fact that PS3 gamers are brats affect my argument? Are trying to state that since someone else did it as well, it's okay? That's some pretty faulty logic you have there, if so.

andddd finally, if you think Crysis 2's graphics are bad you gotta get your eyes checked. It most certainly looks better than both the xbox 360 and PS3 versions.

Great job trying to start an argument with me though.
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Tessa Mullins
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:51 am

How many of you actually bought the first crysis...
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David John Hunter
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:35 am

classic PC elitism..

Usual stupid console kiddie.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:25 am

How many of you actually bought the first crysis...

Lol, I did, and was lot happier than what I've seen over the last few weeks. Glad I did not buy this one. You didn't get a nickel out of me with your lies, Crytek.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:37 am

I don't know why people starting to insult each other?
This thread was constructive critics.
Crysis 2 is NOT next generation. Crysis 2 is NOT much different in aspect of the graphics on xbox360 or ps3.
I would say I am a real Crysis Fanboy, I bought Crysis Legion and my order arrived today. Also I bought posters, the Crysis 2 nano edition, etc.

I am disappointed that Crytek doesn't use the full potential of the CryEngine3, LOCKED CVARS and they encrypted the files.
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Talitha Kukk
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:24 pm

LOL for this post!!!!!!
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:38 am

I mean, c'mon.
Also Crytek doesn't release enough information about the game.
I thought Crytek took care about their community, but it doesn't seem so :(
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matt white
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:55 pm

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Stat Wrecker
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:48 am


I thought Crysis 2 would be still a good game.
Why I've chosen this bizarre title?
1. 47 CVars total
2. .pak Files encrypted
3. No Advanced Graphics settings
4. No Screenshots of the PC Version / not a word about anything regarding PC but DX11

Crytek, do you want to hose me?
Crytek, wollt ihr mich verarschen?

And yes, I will still buy the game (and I'm NOT a pc whiner)

@Nathan Camarillo:
Tell me please what advantages our PCs have got over the consoles. Dedicated Server files? wow. Better graphics? Only minor.

Ha Ha hahahahahahahahaha sure you're right and I am the same,damn Crytek,What have you done!!!!!
Listen Crytek,for now I just want your Free CryEngine 3..Thats alllllllll!!!!!!! I would prefer your Engine than your Crysis Game!!!
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GabiiE Liiziiouz
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:50 am

Too many reported posts in this thread. 7 pages and you're still crossing swords.

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