Or have I missed your point somewhere?
You said that people can't see the difference between DX9 and DX10, have you researched that, if you had you might have seen http://www.incrysis.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=511.
In 2009 a lot of information was being put out about Crysis 2, one of the biggest claims being made at that time was that it would have support for DX11, this claim generated a lot of discussion on forums by fans of the original Crysis game everywhere. DX11 is not just something that fans wanted to see for marketing reasons, it was a much anticipated feature that these fans wanted to experience, instead what they got was this, and for many that's like being slapped in that face, not something I express gratitude for, to tell the truth. The fans want something that would test both their hardware and their skills like the first Crysis did, and they ended up with something that wouldn't even test hardware that was available when the first game came out. I'm about as thankful for that as I would be if I went to see my favourite band in concert and found that the lead singer couldn't be there so they had a stand in to mime to a backing track instead.