ok i dont know watz happening to my game but it just dosent saves the stuff that i unlocked
ok i unlocked the feline and i dont have it
i have like 3 dog tags unlocks and i cant unlocked dog tags with them (wen i unlock them they disappear like after every game )???
i unloked a armor slot and i dont have it
i unlocked the reflex for the heave machine gun and i dont have it and i unlock the extra mags for the feline and guess what ?? i don have it aether
ohhh and the bad part i was like in level 14 and then i log out of the game and then i log in to the game and i appear to be in level 12 (it just says that im in level 12 )
oh and this thing crached my game to desktop ( its a cryengine error message appear ( it happened wen i was going to make this topic i couldnt even log out ???