SuperSoldier Too Easy?

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:09 pm

Amazing game Crytek.. I truly love it!!

I played my 1st time through on Veteran.. Now i am flying through on SuperSoldier... It feels even easier than veteran.

The AI is exactly the same and they seem to even go down faster??

The only difference I see is that you take a bit more damage.

Is it just me?
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Yung Prince
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:48 am

I've been playing through on Post-Human Warrior since I first started(PC version of Supersoldier) and yea I guess you could say its easy as long as you don't get caught out on the open or stealth your way all the way from start to finish. I knew anything lower then the hardest setting would probably be not enough of a challenge kinda like Crysis 1. In Post-Human Warrior you can die in less time then it takes to reload and they can shoot you with the accuracy of a sniper at like a 100 feet away so I'd say its pretty tough and unforgiving. Many times I died in less then a second while switching from stealth to maximum armor to engage the enemy.
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:29 am

Yeah the only mission that gave me hell on supersoldier so far was "lights out" fighting the 3rd pinger.

Maybe its easy cause i snipe a lot and eliminate most threats before i jump in. idk
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Sarah Edmunds
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