Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:52 am

Hey everyone!

This thread will serve as a place for Crytek to share any updates regarding Crysis 2 (specifically the PC version). Here you will find info, official statements and links that may be helpful and we'll continue to update as soon as we get any new info.

This thread is locked so that we don't need to moderate it and can instead just keep the OP up to date. We will take information from other threads and place it here so this will be the main source of information.


Contacting Support
Please do not use private messages as a means to contact Crytek staff. As many people are trying to do this, it's not an efficient way of getting on contact and we do not guarantee a reply. If you are having problems and need 1-1 support please get in touch with EA support on http://support.ea.com or consult the gamesas forums.

Info & Fixes
Crysis 2 PC fixes & info

29/3 - We've been working hard to resolve as many of the post-launch issues as possible including some improvements to our game security. These updates will be made available via automatic-download later this week.

This was announced on update page of this forum. PLEASE READ IT AGAIN.. and please stop complaining! I bet half of you never read the update news. Sp please refrain all about the complaints and move on. DX11 will happen LATER..

As of now we got patches coming soon.
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Bethany Watkin
Posts: 3445
Joined: Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:13 pm

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