It featured things such as lush environments, wide open deserts, lots of weaponry , customizability, vehicles and aircraft. A generally unique gameplay experience with the nanosuit and "Power Struggle" game mode.
All this packed in a state of the art graphics engine (benchmark material really).
Now instead of improving on this great game and making a lot of people happy you decide to rush out a partially finished and completely bug infested product what I can only call a dumbed down Modern Warfare boil off.
Honestly we and you as gamers do not need or want any more games like that.
I can "understand" that you had to simplify the engine to support consoles where a lot of money is to be made.
But the fact that you sold out your prime supporters (us PC gamers) in the process is just ridiculous.
We and our money's worth allowed you to develop this game in the first place.
What happened to vast environments, 32 player server support, vehicles and aircraft, ingame buying and ranking, power struggle, maximum speed which now feels like a normal sprint found in any other game and a mediocre one at that, hardware challenging maximum graphic settings and adjustability and the overall unique Crysis gameplay experience.
What it basically comes down to is that we expected an improvement instead of going backward for the sake of console support. So unless you come up with a grand solution to all of this I expect you to lose a lot of support and customers from the people who helped you get where you are today.