The Current State of Affairs in Crysis 2 (Calm Down)

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:22 am

Alright, so having watched this fiasco unfold for a week, it seems to still be going strong. Crytek has yet to release any info whatsoever regarding removed features apart from a few vaguely-worded responses and several deleted DX11-related threads. People are still whining and a few gamers still have absolutely no idea what's going on. The console versions also appear to be in the same situation we are, despite our beliefs that they're getting preferential treatment (and their beliefs that we're getting preferential treatment). Rumors are circulating about a DX11 patch, which has, technically speaking, been unofficially confirmed by Twitter (I wouldn't be surprised if that employee is fired by now), although Crytek remains incredibly tight-lipped about the situation. Several game-breaking bugs and client-side multiplayer hacks exist, causing a minority to be unable to play the game right.

Apart from all that, the game itself is fun and engaging, and it is a fantastic example of great game design using a linear formula. When it works, it's one of the best games that's been released in a while.

But, because of the community treatment (forced by EA, no doubt), even if anything is fixed or DX11 is implemented, it's highly likely that the community will still hold a serious grudge against Crytek / EA (depending on who's actually responsible) and any future Crytek games will likely be approached with reserved caution. The responsible party is too deep in its own hole now to fully recover from what has been one of the most disastrous releases in PC history.

However, it's time to stop - well, for lack of a better word - biching. Threads like "CRYSIS 2 WON'T WORK **** YOU CRYTEK" or ">>>>>>>WHERE IS MY DX11<<<<<<<" aren't affecting anything. It's more than likely that much of this isn't Crytek's fault and that EA is wholly responsible for this in light of the beta leak. So, all these threads are probably just pissing Crytek off because of our ignorance to what's actually going on (this does not, however, magically excuse Crytek from explaining the situation to us).

If you're all going to complain, complain to EA. They rushed Dragon Age 2, Crysis 2, and - I hate saying this - but chances are Battlefield 3 is going to be rushed by them as well.

That being said, Crytek still has an obligation to explain the situation in full detail, but I don't think they will so long as the community keeps acting like unruly children. I, for one, find that a petition or a peaceful demand for an explanation would work best now, seeing as how the only thing Crytek appears responsible for is the community treatment. I really don't think they'll deserve our hate unless they manage to avoid patching the game for an extended period of time, in which case it'll be time to raise hell. I say we give them two or three weeks to at least clarify the situation; but if they don't, then we'll really have the right to complain to Crytek.

So, thoughts? What do you guys think we should do?
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:56 am

In Crytek we trust.
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:36 am

If they mess up BF3, I will hate EA for all time. :)

As it is I haven't formed an opinion on this game as I haven't been able to play it. Waiting on multi GPU fixes.
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Jamie Lee
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:21 am

Despite all the bugs/cheaters, im having a lot of fun
I just hope they release sandbox3(for free).
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Chris Duncan
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:10 pm

My thoughts are that you are a drama queen. "One of the most disastrous releases in PC gaming history" lol not even close. The are a few crybabies making multiple threads making it look like more people are unhappy than really are.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:21 am

I just want it to be fixed. I shouldn't have to be manually patching things and reading this forum to find out what to do next. This has never happened to me. Fortunately I like Crysis and am willing to stick with it. I'll just play some of my other games while this game gets on its feet.
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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:14 pm

LOL i say global recall and take some more time to make a better game. But otherwise fixing MP and other glitches and maybe a high-res texture pack would be really EPIC. Crytek are capable of doing this, so i will wait and see.
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Amanda Leis
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:26 am

Keep in mind that Nvidia is also a partner in this too. With the issues surrounding DX11 on other games (Dragon Age II and Civ V) would it be that big of a surprise that Crytek and EA are waiting on Nvidia to release a new version of its driver (set for beta release around the 1st of April and full release later that month)?

With 3 companies in the loop on this, it's no surprise that we arn't getting a statement. I'm sure it would only be finger pointing at this point...

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Arnold Wet
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:37 pm

My main beef with the game is rather simple. So simple that its is simply amazing that it was overlooked and at times it is game breaking. Melee. How can a feature like this be overlooked? You should not have to restart the game or interact with the nearest object inorder to reactivate melee. That is simply absurd. And since melee is critical for stealth kills it further breaks the game. In addition their are a few portions in which melee is required.
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Alexis Acevedo
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:25 pm

Keep in mind that Nvidia is also a partner in this too. With the issues surrounding DX11 on other games (Dragon Age II and Civ V) would it be that big of a surprise that Crytek and EA are waiting on Nvidia to release a new version of its driver (set for beta release around the 1st of April and full release later that month)?

With 3 companies in the loop on this, it's no surprise that we want getting a statement. I'm sure it would only be finger pointing at this point...

But that doesn't make sense; atleast to me. Why exclude a feature because of Nvidia? Wouldn't it be better to have it included so that owners of Crysis 2 and Nvidia cards can immediately take advantage of DX11 without having to download a patch? And how is it beneficial to sabotage the rest of your customers for Nvidia?
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Matt Bee
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:30 am

Just wen I thought EA was coming back as Activision was starting to act like D-bags. Idk wat to say if they screw up BF3...
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:09 pm

My thoughts are that you are a drama queen. "One of the most disastrous releases in PC gaming history" lol not even close. The are a few crybabies making multiple threads making it look like more people are unhappy than really are.

You're right in that that's the state of things right now. Fewer people are complaining every day, although, in all honesty, there are still a huge number of threads which heavily criticize Crytek and EA. But, if you had seen this forum on the release day, it was pretty much a war zone. Most people were beyond pissed, including myself. I'm telling people to calm down and have faith, but if Crytek misuses the time we should give them, then we have a right to actually act like "drama queens" (translated as "concerned customers" in English).

Also, to lift one statement out of my writing which has little to do with the main point is an obvious sign that you did not read the entire thing.

You've also failed to notice that I criticized the "crybabies" myself.
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:03 pm

You can't patch a storyline that has completely derailed from the original. You can't patch linier based small map design. You can't patch console game play streamlined into the PC version. They possibly could patch the dumbed down/missing suit abilities. However they would have to basically remake the game.

It was a piss poor choice they made and they should pay for it. I payed for this game in good faith and they screwed the pooch, unfortunately I can't return this game because Amazon has a open software policy. Otherwise i would do it in a heartbeat.
Since I cannot return this game, I am stuck with it, so they are stuck with me and I will be riding their back until I get compensation for this fraud they have perpetrated.
Don't promise something then not deliver, don't lie to you customers. Don't produce crap cakes sprinkle honey on it and insist it isn't a piece of crap!

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John N
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:28 am

Rumors are circulating about a DX11 patch, which has, technically speaking, been unofficially confirmed by Twitter (I wouldn't be surprised if that employee is fired by now)

I really hope they don't, especially because it sounds like he has an integral role in bringing us the DX11 patch.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:45 am

Fewer people are complaining every day,

Which forum are you reading? Maybe fewer people are complaining about things that have been fixed but DX11 threads are just increasing even if they are deleting them.
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Gavin boyce
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:52 am

Keep in mind that Nvidia is also a partner in this too. With the issues surrounding DX11 on other games (Dragon Age II and Civ V) would it be that big of a surprise that Crytek and EA are waiting on Nvidia to release a new version of its driver (set for beta release around the 1st of April and full release later that month)?

With 3 companies in the loop on this, it's no surprise that we want getting a statement. I'm sure it would only be finger pointing at this point...

But that doesn't make sense; atleast to me. Why exclude a feature because of Nvidia? Wouldn't it be better to have it included so that owners of Crysis 2 and Nvidia cards can immediately take advantage of DX11 without having to download a patch? And how is it beneficial to sabotage the rest of your customers for Nvidia?

Well Nvidia has done some shady things that I didn't really approve of (Batman Arkham Asylum has no AA for ATI/AMD cards; if you have a ATI/AMD GPU and a Nvidia GPU in your system, you cannot take advantage of hardware dedicated physx on the Nvidia GPU, but a dual GPU nvidia setup will let you use 1 card for dedicated, it was rumored that nvidia paid EA to hold of on DX11 till their new cards came out (I think it was proved wrong), probably etc) so who knows...
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Neliel Kudoh
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:27 am

We are not alone...
the last paragraph made me a sad panda and think "If only..."
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Inol Wakhid
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:10 am

You can't blame something like the absence of any CD key checks whatsoever on EA. That's a basic feature for any game.
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Ice Fire
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:19 pm

Alright, so having watched this fiasco unfold for a week, it seems to still be going strong. Crytek has yet to release any info whatsoever regarding removed features apart from a few vaguely-worded responses and several deleted DX11-related threads. People are still whining and a few gamers still have absolutely no idea what's going on. The console versions also appear to be in the same situation we are, despite our beliefs that they're getting preferential treatment (and their beliefs that we're getting preferential treatment). Rumors are circulating about a DX11 patch, which has, technically speaking, been unofficially confirmed by Twitter (I wouldn't be surprised if that employee is fired by now), although Crytek remains incredibly tight-lipped about the situation. Several game-breaking bugs and client-side multiplayer hacks exist, causing a minority to be unable to play the game right.

Apart from all that, the game itself is fun and engaging, and it is a fantastic example of great game design using a linear formula. When it works, it's one of the best games that's been released in a while.

But, because of the community treatment (forced by EA, no doubt), even if anything is fixed or DX11 is implemented, it's highly likely that the community will still hold a serious grudge against Crytek / EA (depending on who's actually responsible) and any future Crytek games will likely be approached with reserved caution. The responsible party is too deep in its own hole now to fully recover from what has been one of the most disastrous releases in PC history.

However, it's time to stop - well, for lack of a better word - biching. Threads like "CRYSIS 2 WON'T WORK **** YOU CRYTEK" or ">>>>>>>WHERE IS MY DX11<<<<<<<" aren't affecting anything. It's more than likely that much of this isn't Crytek's fault and that EA is wholly responsible for this in light of the beta leak. So, all these threads are probably just pissing Crytek off because of our ignorance to what's actually going on (this does not, however, magically excuse Crytek from explaining the situation to us).

If you're all going to complain, complain to EA. They rushed Dragon Age 2, Crysis 2, and - I hate saying this - but chances are Battlefield 3 is going to be rushed by them as well.

That being said, Crytek still has an obligation to explain the situation in full detail, but I don't think they will so long as the community keeps acting like unruly children. I, for one, find that a petition or a peaceful demand for an explanation would work best now, seeing as how the only thing Crytek appears responsible for is the community treatment. I really don't think they'll deserve our hate unless they manage to avoid patching the game for an extended period of time, in which case it'll be time to raise hell. I say we give them two or three weeks to at least clarify the situation; but if they don't, then we'll really have the right to complain to Crytek.

So, thoughts? What do you guys think we should do?

I don't think anyone should stop biching when this is our tool to communicate what we're unhappy with. I do believe it should be constructive and some of the posts are just angry rants but personally I'm not happy at all with a large list of the changes as well. Nevertheless eventually the rageful reactions will die down a bit and we will be left with what we really don't like...the problem is for a lot of us that's a lot of things.

So I say keep it up, a lot of us paid for a product that we were sold as something it's really not (for whatever reason ie EA pushing the release date, Crytek catering to consoles etc). Our feedback forms the demand that shapes the product they will provide...hopefully. If it doesn't then the reactions on this forum are justified, and personally I'm not happy with the game at all in its current state so I will keep voicing my opinion.
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Jenna Fields
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:53 am

Alright, so having watched this fiasco unfold for a week, it seems to still be going strong. Crytek has yet to release any info whatsoever regarding removed features apart from a few vaguely-worded responses and several deleted DX11-related threads. People are still whining and a few gamers still have absolutely no idea what's going on. The console versions also appear to be in the same situation we are, despite our beliefs that they're getting preferential treatment (and their beliefs that we're getting preferential treatment). Rumors are circulating about a DX11 patch, which has, technically speaking, been unofficially confirmed by Twitter (I wouldn't be surprised if that employee is fired by now), although Crytek remains incredibly tight-lipped about the situation. Several game-breaking bugs and client-side multiplayer hacks exist, causing a minority to be unable to play the game right.

Apart from all that, the game itself is fun and engaging, and it is a fantastic example of great game design using a linear formula. When it works, it's one of the best games that's been released in a while.

But, because of the community treatment (forced by EA, no doubt), even if anything is fixed or DX11 is implemented, it's highly likely that the community will still hold a serious grudge against Crytek / EA (depending on who's actually responsible) and any future Crytek games will likely be approached with reserved caution. The responsible party is too deep in its own hole now to fully recover from what has been one of the most disastrous releases in PC history.

However, it's time to stop - well, for lack of a better word - biching. Threads like "CRYSIS 2 WON'T WORK **** YOU CRYTEK" or ">>>>>>>WHERE IS MY DX11<<<<<<<" aren't affecting anything. It's more than likely that much of this isn't Crytek's fault and that EA is wholly responsible for this in light of the beta leak. So, all these threads are probably just pissing Crytek off because of our ignorance to what's actually going on (this does not, however, magically excuse Crytek from explaining the situation to us).

If you're all going to complain, complain to EA. They rushed Dragon Age 2, Crysis 2, and - I hate saying this - but chances are Battlefield 3 is going to be rushed by them as well.

That being said, Crytek still has an obligation to explain the situation in full detail, but I don't think they will so long as the community keeps acting like unruly children. I, for one, find that a petition or a peaceful demand for an explanation would work best now, seeing as how the only thing Crytek appears responsible for is the community treatment. I really don't think they'll deserve our hate unless they manage to avoid patching the game for an extended period of time, in which case it'll be time to raise hell. I say we give them two or three weeks to at least clarify the situation; but if they don't, then we'll really have the right to complain to Crytek.

So, thoughts? What do you guys think we should do?

I don't think anyone should stop biching when this is our tool to communicate what we're unhappy with. I do believe it should be constructive and some of the posts are just angry rants but personally I'm not happy at all with a large list of the changes as well. Nevertheless eventually the rageful reactions will die down a bit and we will be left with what we really don't like...the problem is for a lot of us that's a lot of things.

So I say keep it up, a lot of us paid for a product that we were sold as something it's really not (for whatever reason ie EA pushing the release date, Crytek catering to consoles etc). Our feedback forms the demand that shapes the product they will provide...hopefully. If it doesn't then the reactions on this forum are justified, and personally I'm not happy with the game at all in its current state so I will keep voicing my opinion.

But the problem is that no matter how much complaining we do, it's pointless. Crytek pretty much knows what's going on, but it looks like they're either in denial or they've signed an NDA with EA. Raging at Crytek can't solve much when Crytek isn't entirely responsible.
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