» Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:36 am
Well it's fully automatic so it's already got an edge on the Graendal at close range, which is where most of the fighting takes place.
Comparing the scar and scarab in single player they're pretty much identical in power, only the scar gets the scope mod while the scarab gets the silencer.
So yeah, the Graendals strong point is long distance, but how many big maps are there that will let you take advantage of that fact? Pier 17? Light house? The one with the crashed ship in it..? And even still, the scar can still kill faster at any range. Doesn't seem worth it to me, I think they should increase it's damage by a fair margin.
Then again, if they increase the damage any more it might as well be a sniper rifle and either making it redundant or gimped compared to the real sniper rifles.