Multiplayer feedback

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:50 am

Ive put a few hours into multiplayer so far and im running a 4KDR and a 4 win/loss ratio.

A few concerns I have..

Nanosuit Jammer is a pretty terrible reward for a 5 kill streak. Ive used this in TIA and objective modes and its just awful. It has a very limited very visible area of affect and it takes too long to arrive for you to drop on people. Its not useful at all even in objective modes. The only use this has is to donate 200EXP to someone on the other team when they destroy it.

The area of effect needs improving drastically and/or remove the visuals from the enemy team so they cant spot it from the other side of the map and simply avoid it.

Maximum Nanosuit is also lacking in my opinion. Unlimited energy and armor mode becomes passive for a set duration. Given the pace this game has this is not much of an advantage. Yes it is an advantage, but such a small one. Its never going to earn you more kills than a Ceph Gunship would.

Maybe this should be a team wide bonus?

Jammer simply lets people know you are there. Making someones radar fuzzy doesnt stop them from finding you and kill you. Ive never used this and I never will. Its as bad as Scrambler was for Modern Warfare 2. This is a module thats bad by concept alone.

The maps all seem well with the exception of Lighthouse which takes the trophy as Crysis 2s worst map. Almost everybody and their brother is camping with a sniper on this map. Sure they are easy to deal with but its just not a fun map to play. I spend most of my time running from one side to the other to kill some camper.

Game modes seem alright overall. Some of them seem to end too quickly though. TIA and Crash Site really need their score limits upping to perhaps 75 and 200 respectively.
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Kelly Tomlinson
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