a GIFT or partial refund would be appropriate !

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:30 am

not sure if console players have as many issues as PC users but some of the issues on PC are serious enough to trigger an apology and some sort of compensation

especially the not able to join servers is not acceptable

we purchased a product we often cant use or just with not-reasonable try and error based hard work

if it would be me working there, i would give the community that put they trust and money FIRST down something to show that i care

this could be an item for example (maybe something that might show up in the store later) or some other form of compensation, maybe temporary XP boost... (get creative)
and of course an official apology !

i think it would be the right thing to do !

i feel like im still beta testing, and help the developers finish the product and the community find work around with the MOUNTAIN of problems, but unlike beta testers we actually PAID for this product and have not agreed to beta test, there for compensation would be appropriate
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:19 am

Sorry, but, you took the risk by purchasing or preordering without any knowledge. That's something I wish gamers could get away from. Keep throwing your money at them without even TRYING the game, and they're not going to give two **** if you're disapointed.

You wouldn't prebuy a car, would you? Or a house? Or even a used console, without first seeing it and trying it.

I have no pity for gamers who pre order and then wind up dissapointed. It's your own fault.
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Antony Holdsworth
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:21 am

its not about pity, you know exactly if this would happen to a real item , like a fridge or a car the seller would never get away with it

and purchasing a product from a real business, not the corner drugs dealer or the sketch stand on the local flea market

and you reallies how many people PRE-BUY cars , houses and all sorts of stuff
so not sure what you talking about there
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:51 am

Re:a GIFT or partial refund would be appropriate

lol all new pc titles have problems on release (ive had no probs with this game as of yet ) just dont preorder to avoid dissapointment,at least crytek know some people have issues and are working to fix them (1st patch when i installed the game) unlike Dice who dont answer your emails or posts on the forum. keep up the good work crytek and thanks for keeping people up to date on there issues. you ve made one hell of a game ;)
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:22 am

i played dice games, and although they had problems too, they rarely where unplayable

im talking about multiplayer

besides that others screwed you over, does not mean that now it has to become the norm

somewhere the line has to be drawn

AND im not even demanding im just saying that if they DO NOT they no better in my eyes then a sketchy street dealer... and IF they treating they customers that way they should not be complain if more and more people just pirate... i feel cheated (not angry, just stating a fact) so why would i have a problem cheating them... see where im coming from... and eye for an eye ! is that really how you guys posted here would like to to go down more and more in the future... because thats exactly where we heading... bit closer to anarchy ! again i gladly adopt but not sure how many of you will like that world
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Curveballs On Phoenix
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:47 pm

i STILL cant play bad company 2 n dice dont care,if you cant handle problems with a new title dont preorder wait couple of months for game to be patched then u wont be unhappy ;) :p

you may feel cheated but if uve ever bought a pc title on release day you must know there s likely to be some problems can you even get your head round the amount of work that goes into creating such a spectacular game. do you think they should have delayed release for another 12 months ? how happy would you be then ? nuff said ;)
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:00 pm

not about pre-ordering the game if released now on most of the planet

and even when you preorder you didn't sign up for testing a beta but legally expect a fully functional product , thats what they advertise and not a beta

simple as that

more then happy next time instead of buying the game just pirate and donate the amount of the game would cost to pirate bay ;) because pretty much thats what you all suggesting, and actually your right they give great service and great products
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