DirectX11 Update

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:45 am

This thread is winning.

The PC community has the entire right to whine on the basis of how they were led through deceptive language and broken promises to use $60 for something that they didn't get. Some of the basic things such as multiplayer and advanced graphics options that have been standard in other games and working fine were thrown out the windows with this game. It was negative change from the norm of gaming and the way of Crytek's game philosophy that have led to the vocal minority. I probably personally won't spend any more money on the company with the way they have handled relationships with the community on the criticism and their silence on any type of announcement acknowledging their wrongs until recently. It is such a pity because some basic things that the developers could have done to address these issues would have kept this whole entire snowball situation under control from the growing frustration of the PC community that has supported the company from the beginning.
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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:48 am

It's nice to hear that there would be dx11 patch coming, but it would be better if dev can do it as an option. We all know that not everyone of us are using dx11 gpu, there are still some that uses dx9, let's not be too self-centered by making this game only for dx11 users. Besides, it would be more fun seeing a lot of players in-game.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:31 am

It's nice to hear that there would be dx11 patch coming, but it would be better if dev can do it as an option. We all know that not everyone of us are using dx11 gpu, there are still some that uses dx9, let's not be too self-centered by making this game only for dx11 users. Besides, it would be more fun seeing a lot of players in-game.

Brother, the dx11 patch won't dismentle the internet community, meaning that, you'll still play (on your end) on dx9 while i play on my end (dx11) ... :) and i'll kill you HEH! (IN THE GAME obviously)
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Michelle Smith
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:38 pm

It's nice to hear that there would be dx11 patch coming, but it would be better if dev can do it as an option. We all know that not everyone of us are using dx11 gpu, there are still some that uses dx9, let's not be too self-centered by making this game only for dx11 users. Besides, it would be more fun seeing a lot of players in-game.

Nothing will change for you if your card is DX9. Infact you probably won't even be required to download the patch.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:12 am

It's nice to hear that there would be dx11 patch coming, but it would be better if dev can do it as an option. We all know that not everyone of us are using dx11 gpu, there are still some that uses dx9, let's not be too self-centered by making this game only for dx11 users. Besides, it would be more fun seeing a lot of players in-game.

Nothing will change for you if your card is DX9. Infact you probably won't even be required to download the patch.

i think the dx11 when it comes will not only adress the lack of dx11 but also some bug fixes.. and blabla you know
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A Dardzz
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:39 am

It's nice to hear that there would be dx11 patch coming, but it would be better if dev can do it as an option. We all know that not everyone of us are using dx11 gpu, there are still some that uses dx9, let's not be too self-centered by making this game only for dx11 users. Besides, it would be more fun seeing a lot of players in-game.

Nothing will change for you if your card is DX9. Infact you probably won't even be required to download the patch.

Yeah. Whose actually playing this game on a 7800 GTX or a HD 1950 or something older than that. I'm willing to bet over 90% of the people playing this game are using cards that support DX10 and probably 70% or so are using cards supporting DX11.

The cards listed on the back of the box are both DX10 cards for ****s sake.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:00 pm

Technically I feel that Crytek manipulated PC gamers into buying the game rather than coming up front and telling the truth that the PC version was only going to have DX9 at release then later DX11/10 will be released. This is called blanket marketing.

I am a dedicated fan of Crysis, or else I would not have gone and spent $$$$$$ rebuilding a dedicated C1/Warehead system to being a dedicated C2 system. They cannot deny the reason they didnt come straight out and say DX11 WILL NOT be in the C2 release as it would have impacted sales.

Congrats, you got my money, but at the same time trust was lost.

I am so agravated that I cannot play the game maxed out. I now have to WAIT like I WAITED for C2. I hate people f***ing with my head.

Please for a damn moment will you think. The game and more than likely the engine are incomplete. This is because of EAs aggressive schedules making Crytek work like mad to get the game in a playable state for the release. And yes of course the consoles are completed but then they dont ask, want, or need what we do in the PC field. Crytek is trying to do what they couldn't before the launch now that they aren't time constrained. Let them do what EA wouldn't and finish what they started. The fact is is that everyone is acting way to arrogant because something wasn't perfect or wasn't finished. We just have to wait and let them get us what they promised in a form that will be complete and not rushed. I for one value quality over quantity and it that means I have to wait, well you get the point.

More and more games are being released as if they are port this is true, but why could this be? Well publishers don't know about developing a game and that it can take time. If I may I would like to compare this to Windows Vista. Vista was pushed out way too early and as a result suffered. People went and called it a step backwards and then came the Mojave experiment. This was where they took Vista in its fixed state to critics with the logos in the os and on the box change so the critics wouldn't know. As a result the critics tried Mojave and when they said they liked it they were told it was vista. Now I don't see them pulling something like that but it shows that if you wait you will be provided for and all your opinions as of now are made our of anger and emotion. They then fixed and changed how they did their development and testing with the release of Windows 7. They learned from what happened and improved because of it. This is the same kind of situation.

Now please just wait for the quality features to be produced and finalized or do you want some POS feature like what BC2 has that cant utilize the GPU correctly?
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Juan Cerda
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:20 am

i do want dx11 just have gtx 460 in sli but get the feeling some people want it so they can come back on here and brag about "how much they spent on there system and how i am getting more fps seconds than you". Think this game looks amazing and plays well, had a patch on steam which sorted out my multiplayer so no more lag. So want dx11 but dont think it needs it.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:44 am

They then fixed and changed how they did their development and testing with the release of Windows 7. They learned from what happened and improved because of it. This is the same kind of situation.

Now please just wait for the quality features to be produced and finalized or do you want some POS feature like what BC2 has that cant utilize the GPU correctly?

This is true but it also meant they got double the money from us when we should have been getting a windows 7 (finished) product in the first place. Although my personal experience with Vista was really OK...

And while I agree with you it is not the issue of us just waiting patiently it's the fact that we were led to believe this would be a DX11 game in the first place and now they have just left us hanging as to whether it ever will be. I think all of us are prepared to wait if they would release an official statement either confirming or denying such an update.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:53 am

I'd say it's too late for that, so many people are livid about this. Whether or not it was confirmed we were lead to believe it would be DX11. You can't release an unfinished game like this and then have a go at adding something so integral as DX11. Crytek are supposed to be for the PC but leave out the one real thing that PC gamers had over console, advanced graphics. at the very least i expect a confirmation of a DX11 update with a release date for the patch AND an apology to PC gamers. If this was done in any other industry there would be hell to pay, court cases all over but because it's 'just' gaming they seem to think it's ok to sell beta products then fix them weeks later. Shameful crytek, just wait till elder scrolls:skyrim and battlefield 3 show you how to make a real PC game.
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Lisa Robb
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:33 am

i do want dx11 just have gtx 460 in sli but get the feeling some people want it so they can come back on here and brag about "how much they spent on there system and how i am getting more fps seconds than you". Think this game looks amazing and plays well, had a patch on steam which sorted out my multiplayer so no more lag. So want dx11 but dont think it needs it.

Yeah because 30fps sound so much more impressive than 90. Thats why we want it to brag about fps. NOT!
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:27 am

just wait till elder scrolls:skyrim and battlefield 3 show you how to make a real PC game.

Well we all know what DICE's past has been regarding updates! You could also say that DICE have already had their fleeting money making exercises with consoles and really have no choice but to come back to PC if they want to continue to pioneer as they did with 1942/BF2..

By the way, I think you've all got it wrong with this 16ms discussion. I'm pretty sure it's the development time EA has given Crytek for the DX11 patch. ;)
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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:59 pm

If it's EA giving crytek limited time for the DX11 patch then they should have either said it would be a few weeks after release or pushed back the PC release. It's not just DX11 though. Multiplayer's working off a shoestring, the serial code not sticking, some servers never start a game, in singleplayer i lose all nano particles or whatever so can't upgrade my suit to complete the game. It's just not been properly tested and fixed yet they allowed it to be released, they should take some pride in their products and only allow it to be released when it's actually finished.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:32 am

If it's EA giving crytek limited time for the DX11 patch then they should have either said it would be a few weeks after release or pushed back the PC release.
If you're referring to my 16ms comment, it was kind of a joke ya' know :)
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:50 pm

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:57 am

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Tessa Mullins
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:57 pm

Will this update come in time before players say " We give! Time to move on, sell our copies and buy a better game that has lesser lies by devs ".
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:34 am

Yeah it really looks promising especially after they removed the Tweet from Tiagos twittet account and removed mention of DX11 in there cry engine 3 website.

Really those combined are a huge confidence booster... :(
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WYatt REed
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:10 am

Everyone finish game by times DX11 comes out.
Very stupid and lazy. Lose big respect Crytek.
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:51 am

Everyone finish game by times DX11 comes out.
Very stupid and lazy. Lose big respect Crytek.

They lost all respect, and damaged the PC gaming community in the process. It's going to be interesting to see how long it takes for PC folks to get the message and stop buying bleeding edge HW and SW, and what happens when those markets start to crash.
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