Register Benefits

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:59 am

So where are the benefits i get for registering on this website the week it came out?

Game is now out, which was absolute garbage, i had to quit 3/4 the way through the game and finish it today just out of pure shame of wasting my money.

Apart from the fact that i was let down by this website, and the game itself, im gonna go ahead and list off why this game was a pile of crap.

1. Bloom, Blur, HDR. My **** god, you move your aimer, your aimer blurs, you shoot bullets, your 100% clip of tracer rounds gives off an explosion of fire out of the barrel making it impossible to see what you aim at.

Go in an elevator, boom the buttons blind you from brightness. Get a car stuck so its spinning its wheels, the wheels sit there and blur.

2. AI. The first game had a very, very exceptional AI in terms of their awareness and intelligence, for example if i went around a corner, shot em up, stealthed to another corner, for the most part they will continue to investigate where i was, unlike this one where everything knows where i am and continues to follow me in stealth, even if not shooting, its very obvious they know where i am.

3. Guns. There is a severe lack of gun selection in this game, of the 6 or 7 guns I found, only about 3 were useful or combat effective.

+++ The guns were close to the models of the first one. (I hate games that switch up gun models).

4. Enemies, the same problem has crysis 1, the game is great until you start fighting only the aliens, the aliens are a pain in the ass, they come in mass numbers, shoot so many bullets you cant see anything mainly because the jars of jam on your face explode every time a single shot hits you, so you turn armor mode on and have to run and MELEE every single alien because theres not enough ammo in the game to kill each one.

5. The Plot. The plot in this game is almost as bad as dragon age 2. The game would have been better off in the Prey 2 approach, making a sequal on a different planet, different plot, and no connection to the first game.
This game has a serious lack of connection to the first one, for several notable reasons

Why am i the only man in the world with a nanosuit, and why is MY suit so special
Crysis 1, i had a suit, my mates had a suit, as did many of my enemies.

Why is hargreaver or whatever the hell his name was, such an omniscient wizard, who is a vegetable yet wants my nanosuit, then when he loses says, oh well im dead, go save humanity. Kind of fuzzy on this part..

Wayyyyy too many climix's, almost every mission the game tried to pump me full of awesomeness with some epic battle or moment coming to the extent that the whole game lacked any real climix, ESPECIALLY the end, oh yes i killed 5 stealth ninja aliens, so the door opened for me, then my suit (see next) magically destroys all the aliens and now i decide to assume the alias of prophet.

The suit. Why is my suit a super computer artificial intelligence with the ability to overcome any obstacle in the universe. Your being infected by a new bacteria/virus/w/e that has never been seen before, oh well ill just go inside your f'ing DNA and stop it in its tracks and reverse engineer a death virus out of it.

Oh you have seven cracked ribs and ruptured lungs blah blah blah, yet you can still move, why is it not just a robot, why even need a person, if its so strong why do i have these injuries to begin with.

Why the hell did the virus consume prophet, yet im immune to its effects, why didn't i have to go pass my suit to someone and kill myself? What happened to the guy i played in the first one? Last i checked he was leaving on a boat from an island which set out a big explosion or something, (been a while since crysis 1).

Its like your going to make a crysis 3 inbetween 1 and 2 to explain all this nonsense.

6. The Writing. Dear god the writing, nothing irritated me more than the terrible dialogue. The super genius omniscient backstabber spoke just unbelievably irritatingly, i cant explain it, go watch it for yourself.

My suit, why the f does my suit that speaks only in "power mode" "speed mode" blah blah blah, suddenly say NOW GET YOUR ASS INTO GEAR SOLDIER, is prophet like part of the suit or what, very unexplained, very cheesy, and i would have felt embarrassed if someone else had heard my suit talking while i was playing the game.

7. The gameplay. Who needs strength mode, speed mode, or all the perks of them , lets consolize it and give power armor and stealth mode, but make sprinting cost energy just to irritate people!

Without speed mode, you cannot speed into strength for super jumps like the first one.

You cannot strength mode for reduced recoil, or speed for faster reloads, or walking faster, the armor mode simply blocks damage instead of reducing like it should. (Though it would be impossible to use my hurricane death melee on the aliens without armor blocking 100% damage).

Health bar (personal preference) crysis 1 had it great with a healthbar and an explanation for why it regenerated, now i just have jam explode in my face that the suit cleans off for me.

8. Deus Ex Machina. Too much of it, your gonna lose your suit haha, oh wait CIA chick decides to save you even though her mission is to stop you, very sudden change in heart even if its just because she despises the stupid ass general guy.

9. Flood. Wow the city was flooded, i saw it rush through the streets flood the town for a bit then no more water was found for the rest of the game give or take a river or stream.

10. Vehicles, i realize this game is supposed to be linear because of the plot, versus the first one which was more of a mysterious game that you were investigating, and an open world worked perfectly BUT

Multiplayer... no power struggle mode??? Did you not realize it was the best part of crysis 1?

No you just ripped off COD and Halo and every other FPS made a small team close quarters FPS, without vehicles, or anything that made crysis 1 a legendary game.

I HOPE no one buys this game as of this point, i hope you all go rent it play it at friends, pirate it, whatever it takes not to support crytek for ripping off its customers, PC users (who supposedly they love but just fcked with their console port), and did not give the crysis series what it deserved, a great sequal to a great game a great ending and a landmark of video game genius.
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