Core 2 Quad Q9650@ 3GHZ
4GB 1600 Corsair DDR3
GTX 280
The game runs mostly smooth with 44-55 FPS on hardcoe @ 1680*1024.
Even with much action on the screen it never drops below 30-35 FPS.
But in 2 levels the framerate drastically dropped under 30 FPS.
1. The harbor ( Pier?) scene in the Lab Rat level. With me standing on top of a building and looking over the pier scene. The FPS go down to 27- 33 FPS.
2. When im storming the CELL camp in "Eye of the Storm".. in the overview scene and when im storming the building to kill lockhart.. 25-27 FPS.
Like i said.. in no other level my framerate dropped under 30 FPS.
Is it only me or has someone similiar experiences?