Its been a week and single player was awesome no surprise there, but now the game in general is a console ported watered down crap. Yes the game has an option for extreme, but remember crysis 1 where we could customize our own graphics through and through. Plus the PC version of Multi-player is worse than MW2 when it first came out. At least MW2 could memorize the things you unlock and wouldnt bump you down a lvl. The game is slowly going down the path of MW2, at first crytech is going to say "we take hacking seriously and wont allow this." Like MW2 did. But soon after 1 or 2 patches they are going to give up on crysis 2 so they can worry about the console versions. Than in a matter of 6 month the game is going to be so cheated and hacked and without admins or anything everyone is going to leave the game in general.
I am tired of these game companies that test the waters out on PC first like crysis, than on the sequel they port us junk. To hype us PC gamers up during game conventions like E3 they say stuff like "oh we LOVE PC GAMERS! and we are going to do all we can." Tell us the truth that this is going to be console ported or at least let us return PC version games back to the company in a week or so. Cause tell you the truth I would have returned this game cause of all the cheaters.
Oh yea and Crytech if you cared about the pc community let us PC gamers run the dedicated servers, let us kick vote!
So what do you guys think of the Multi-player game?