» Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:23 pm
Probably because he feels the need, like any other intelligent being, to battle and thwart idiotic posts...
I couldn't have said it better myself.
FYI... I'm no fanboy if that's what you're thinking of, I can be a d*ck though, but only to moronic thoughts, threads, posts, etc. Pointing out the obvious would be how I put it.
I get responses like that all of the time, probably because, like I said, I point out the obvious. If you've got a great idea or an awesome story, awesome game you just played, a great clip of you "PWNING SUM N00BZ"... GREAT! I love that stuff.
Posts that aren't properly thought through, incessant whining like an eight year old, or useless or pointless crap I don't like however, but that's just me. I deal with this kind of crap on a daily basis at the office but I have to put up with it here so voicing my opinion over the net is kind of like me letting off some steam. But that's just me.