» Thu Dec 31, 2009 5:06 am
It might not be unplayable to you, but I have an issue where I get Migrated from 98% of matchs I play well before they are over. I get dumped in a dupilcate game, with the same time, score and players corpses but i'm the host in an empty game, that is pretty much unplayable.
And not it's not my net (6.53down, 1.03up, should be fine for console gaming) and it is not my wireless. I've tried playing at 2 other peoples houses, my brother has wireless with Internode (Aussie ISP who host dedicated severs for their customers) and it runs the game perfectly, no lag what-so-ever. And another friend who has a wired conection has the same issue I have at home, I don't know if it is my disk, my Xbox (I doubt it, it is only barely 18 months old) or just the game it self, but that issue renders this game pretty much unplayable for me.
Don't worry it's not your equipment. My setup is ideal for gaming, I'm wired to the router, and my ISP prioritises gaming.. thus my ping results are excellent. I have terrible problems with this game, to the point where the MP is unplayable. When I say unplayable, I don't mean that it won't load at all. I mean that it is not even close to being a level playing field, making playing it completely pointless... unless you're a glutton for punishment of course.
My friend is has fibre optic broadband with great pings... he never gets angry when gaming, but the lag with this game made him rage.
It's clear that in games that have matchmaking problems like this one, some people (for whatever reason) are predisposed to having a lag advantage... and some people are predisposed to have a lag disadvantage. There doesn't seem to be any middle ground. That explains why there are some that can say they have little to no problems and others who have a whole list of issues. Within my circle of friends we seem to have noticed a trend that those of us with better quality internet (based on factors like ping as opposed to download speeds) seem too be effected much worse than those with lower quality internet. Either way, peer to peer hosting is a joke.