Without dedicated servers Crysis 2 is a nearly flawless diamond...buried in Elephant dung, wrapped in pubic hair and lit on fire...
Put plainly, if the match making system isn't vastly improved and/or dedicated servers are not put in place to equalize the competative edge of players then Crysis 2 will be just another FPS as soon as the next heavy hitter arrives...which concequently is pretty freakin soon as Brink, GoW3, and the "been waiting for it since high school" Duke Nukem Forever are all showing up between nowish, and the next couple months. It's a tough year for all the dev's putting titles up against the entertainment software giants, and if the game isn't friggin creme de la creme then even in all it's beautiful Cryengine 3 glory it'll be in the bargin bin at Wal-Mart by Christmas.