My concerns
Im just going to rip what I & another person opinion was on the game mode rotation
"From what I understand game modes are choosen by the players so finding other team based modes like CTR will be difficult, whilst games like Assaulat & Extraction will become obsolete on this DLC with CS being picked most. I really don't understand why they would add DLC this way. Why would anyone who prefers to play all modes buy this DLC? They better change it for the simple reason that its a small community & not every person likes CS especially if they want to sell it."
I think so for the objective games. I think making crash site it's own and then putting extraction and capture the relay on a combined one would work better.
"For me that would be ideal, but for people who dont play Assaualt or Extraction they should add a CS & CTR then merge Assaualt & Extraction.
CryAdam. Can you find out if they can change it because this is seriously putting me off. CTR is my best of all time as i'm sure it is for others. I was buzzin when I seen old school CTF. I spend most of my time on it.
Honestly Crytek I think something like this should of been up for discussion.
This is one of the perks I was on about when US get DLC & games first. I would of been really annoyed if I had bought that not knowing what you had done with the game mode rotation. I also think you should of communicated that."
Does anyone else think they made a big mistake implementing the DLC this way?