...precaching anims for actor: ( maps/mp/sectow.entities ) stmid_extra_3
...precaching anims for actor: ( maps/mp/sectow.entities ) stmid_extra_4
530706: 'stsint_csc' StopCutscene...
530706: 'strint_csc' StopCutscene...
Waiting 1500ms for cutscene fade out to finish...
Objective completed, resetting bot skills...
Resetting bot skills...
Bot skills reset
Starting cutscene 'infirmary'..
Cleaning up dynamic entities for cutscene...
532257: Non-cinematic (correct) model for 'stmid_extra_1' composited (uses id 20, expected id -2), ccfIndex 0
532257: Non-cinematic (correct) model for 'stmid_extra_3' composited (uses id 19, expected id -2), ccfIndex 15
532257: Non-cinematic (correct) model for 'stmid_extra_4' composited (uses id 17, expected id -2), ccfIndex 13
Resistance skill bumped up, Security down
Syncing stats to clients...
WARNING: game time hitch of 292 ms. game is now lagging behind sound by 292 ms
Server thinks client cutscene is finished - calling OnServerCutsceneComplete
Sectow script: Warden objective completed
Migration primary match state: 4
OnMatchStatePrimary 4: Carry Finished - Setup Escort
(1) disabled all spawns
(2) enabling nechy spawns...
DeactivatePrimary 1: Deactivating Hatch
DeactivatePrimary 2: Deactivating Bomb
DeactivatePrimary 3: Deactivating Hack
DeactivatePrimary 4: Deactivating Carry
Matchstatecarry fired
WARNING: Thread '': sdGameMapScriptState::CallEvent Event Call 'hide' on NULL entity
WARNING: Thread '': sdGameMapScriptState::CallEvent Could not find script object
Sectow script: Setup Nechayev gameplay ents
Sectow script: Setup Nechayev ID4 priorities and difficulty
Bot skills reset
Stopping bot skill controller
Bot skills reset
WARNING: Thread '': ResetPrimaryBotActions: botId '2404368' not found
WARNING: Thread '': Already synced stats less than a minute ago - ignoring
Transitioning away from idle on npc
Transitioning away from idle on npc
WARNING: Bot 8 failed to perform objective buff_player_health because of time expiration limits when performing (bot action index: -1)
TASK SELECT (SchoonerCaptain): Attempting Primary: 'snd_escort_npc_select' (owner: 'sdNPC_npc/nechayev_16')
WARNING: Bot 8 failed to perform objective buff_player_health because of time expiration limits when performing (bot action index: -1)
Transitioning away from idle on npc
Transitioning away from idle on npc
Migration other match state 4: -1029552130
Activating Tactical Group ID: 800
Migration other match state 4: -453973536
Migration other match state 4: 658545443
Migration other match state 4: 2026691099
Migration other match state 4: 1308947420
Migration other match state 14: 2
FATAL ERROR: AllocRenderModel called from a different thread for 'particles/trails/syringe'
mouse: Failed to remove raw input device
...unloading Raw Input DLL
------- Input Initialization -------
Initializing DirectInput8...
...calling LoadLibrary( 'user32.dll' ): succeeded
...initializing Raw Input
mouse: Raw Input initialized.
...calling LoadLibrary( 'imm32.dll' ): succeeded
...initializing Input Method Editor
AllocRenderModel called from a different thread for 'particles/trails/syringe'
mouse: Failed to remove raw input device
...unloading Raw Input DLL
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...releasing DC
...destroying window
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
...unloading Windows Terminal Server API DLL