» Sun May 15, 2011 11:34 am
The real issue is that it was called a demo when it has more problems than the average beta. Just sayin'
Also, going from 16v16 to 6v6 doesn't exactly leave a good taste in my mouth. I think this UK group has a serious lack of innovational talent and basic gamedesign.
I still have faith in the SP, but the MP is ruined. Has been ruined since Gamescom in fact.
Still no word on an editor, dedicated servers, and I won't even be able to play with all my friends in one server. That is sad in itself, and I won't even bother to go into detail about the blatant CoD cloning they have done.
Crytek UK are console developers and are not capable of making truly epic pc online shooter. Crytek bought Free Radical Studios and renamed them Crytek UK. They have no prior experience in developing pc shooters unlike DICE or id or splash damage. CryEngine 3 is pretty demanding so to get 30 fps, graphics has to be scaled down. I have all hopes that Crysis 2 on pc will be good looking at least, not sure if it will be a new benchmark tool.
I am worried about thinks like sluggish movement designed for slower controllers, weird mouse smoothing and acceleration, higher player limit on pc with no map scaling(something BC2 also suffers from) , poor server browser and Menu system, game balance designed on console not working on pc(thinks like cloak during being same on console and pc, might be overpowered on pc), no or little weapon recoil, broken voip, and less objective gameplay.