interview cevat yerli for crysis 2 pc

Post » Sun May 15, 2011 4:32 pm

@ Mastergiux
Thank god you said this.
Just cause 2 is a bich when it comes to performance... and first i thought my Gtx 280 is broken or something..
especially in the forest/ jungle levels the Fps goes below 25... no other game but Crysis has caused such a low framerate since JC2!
Its a fun game though... but its graprhics are really not quite as good as Crysis.
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gemma king
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 5:42 am

As i said there is no reason price/value factor to make na upgrade .Dx11 is nothing special ,only tessellation feature makes noticeable difference .When i cant run 70 percent of games on medium/high then its time to upgrade.
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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 11:38 am


At the time of CryEngine 2, other engines out there were such as the Unreal Engine. I remember seeing a comparison between the two, and at 3 _million_ polygons, CE2 had the same number of FPS as the UE had at a mere _500 000_. And which was decided by the average gamer to be the most optimized engine? Have a guess.

As cleverly demonstrated in this following video, the GPU is virtually infinitely better at processing than the CPU is.

Making the CPU take more workload does not necessarily mean that the game is better optimized. It makes such a small difference that concentrating on using the GPU to its full potential is a lot more useful. Which crysis does, seeing the excellent increase in performance when overclocking (5% increased GPU clock = 5% better performance, or so). I figure that the BUS (or whatever new chipsets use) needs to transfer much less information if the GPU does the work, since it simply transfers it to the screen when finished and isn't first processed in the CPU, then transferred via the BUS to the GPU and then onwards towards the screen. That's just how I figure however.

Nice to hear from Cevat! These new guys are to commercial-like. Cevat is more epic. (no offence, new ones)

Looking forward to play the PC demo! Been an eager Crysis follower since '06, when the only community you could find was :p
Which was an excellent community, I might add.
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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 10:53 am

Hats dont give u any gameplay advantage so dont buy them .As for my rig the only thing i changed is i bought an ati 4870 .So q6600 at 3.2 my 4 giga ram and ati 4870 1 giga ram max out the 95% percent of todays games.No need to upgrade judging the fact that most games coming to 2011 arent so graphically heavy

4870 is a dx10 only card. There are plenty of games that have dx11 features and bf3, deus ex 3 and crysis 2 will all have directx 11 effects. So you do need to upgrade

well ... I have a 4870 1GB and I am completely depressed 8 (!
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Angel Torres
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 5:02 am

Hats dont give u any gameplay advantage so dont buy them .As for my rig the only thing i changed is i bought an ati 4870 .So q6600 at 3.2 my 4 giga ram and ati 4870 1 giga ram max out the 95% percent of todays games.No need to upgrade judging the fact that most games coming to 2011 arent so graphically heavy

4870 is a dx10 only card. There are plenty of games that have dx11 features and bf3, deus ex 3 and crysis 2 will all have directx 11 effects. So you do need to upgrade

well ... I have a 4870 1GB and I am completely depressed 8 (!

I got a shiny gtx 570(upgraded from gtx 260) just for crysis 2
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Reven Lord
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 8:38 pm

Crymod also is an excellent community .As for gtx570 its the best graphic card out there for your money so emperorCleon wise choice:>
For me the best thing is making the card do the heavy rendering stuff and the cpu to calculate the physics. Also look at ego engine how good it runs and how nice graphics it has .

PS:the new i7-2600 is a beast .Pity it has a sata bug.
PS2:ive yet to see a game that is trully graphically a next gen benchmark and from what cevat said crysis 2 wont be :<
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 9:15 am

cevat is turkish ;)
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