This undoubtedly stands true.
I said you ahve to take min specs with a grain of salt, because there is no set standard and any dev can say what ever they want for min spec depending on their opinion of what is minimum gameplay.
I believe Crytek just decided to change what they felt was minimum gameplay and I think that claim is validated in this quote from Cevat yerli.
Likewise, the minimum-spec experience will be of a far higher quality than Crysis was.
I believe that minimum specs systems will be running easily around medium of Crysis 1. But for all we know in Crysis 2 the could have dropped Crysis1 low, and replaced low with medium.
Once again, don't worry about the min specs......this game will be running better than Crysis1. Unless you are running at ultra setting because at the highest settings it sounds like there will be new effects, probably tesselation for DX11. So similar minimum settings, higher maximum.