Nanosuit upgrade load outs

Post » Sun May 15, 2011 5:36 pm

I load out with threat tracer, nano recharge, mobility enhance, and covert ops.

Tracer: proximity alarm is useless and cloak tracker is situational so this leaves one useful upgrade.

Nano recharge: I've used deflection for a while but after dying in hard mode I switched over to recharge and did fine. The recharge helps out with everything as opposed to just doubling armour.

Mobility enhance: Much less energy lost from sprinting, jumping, and having faster ledge grab. I get around my enemies a lot so this upgrade is great. The air friction and air stomp upgrade are pretty useless to me.

Covert ops: enemies don't hear you approaching even while not stealthed. Reduces sound of ALL movements. Super awesome for ninja players.

What are your load outs and why? On a side note, does anyone use air stomp consistently? I've tried it for a while but the small radius of effect and 100% energy cost made it not worthwhile for me. It's also hard to aim. I think air friction and air stomp would go well together but they're in the same tree so that's just useless. The air stomp and power melee attack should cost just 50% energy to make them actually useable on anything above easy mode.
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