
Post » Sun May 15, 2011 9:12 am

who the hell are they? this patch didn't fix even ONE bug I have, and I have a lot of bugs. And 2 billions XP after 19mins online playing good job crytek -> great job cheaters...

Yesterday played on multiplayer reached level 25, cool. Today I logged me in and WTF level 24 like yesterday?! Then I thought, not that bad... played for a while reached level 26 and got one more triple kill. Closed the game and opened it again WTF level 25 again and the triple kill was also away. Sorry but this is ridiculous. There are people which couldn't join servers for days because of serial number problems (I luckily didn't have it).

However story and graphics was just amazing but multiplayer can be thrown in the trash. Maybe it would be better if I bought the game for PS3 but because of the expected amazing graphics and for testing my computer I didn't want to. First and last time I did this.
Everyone which will ask me to buy this game I'll say if you want the game just for the story and graphics buy it, else you should look for a better way to spend your money.

Sorry about my bad English, but it's just annoying... -.-
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Darian Ennels
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