"I've been playing this game for a long time and thought it was free of s***ty tactics until I watched you in action. I don't know whether to congratulate you or condemn you for being the virus that will eventually destroy this game"
Brilliant. In terms of backhanded compliments, that's the best I think I've ever had.
To his credit (I messaged him back and had a chat) he wasn't hating on me personally, but said he had come from Assassin's Creed where a meta-style had apparently developed that had ruined the multiplayer, and was worried people would start copying such a sucessful style and wreck this game.
I reassured him that after near 600 games, I've seen a total of 4 other people doing well with it, so even though it's powerfull it must take some skill or it'd have already taken over. I only use it purely because I enjoy playing an unorthodox style, and if it became the go to class for everyone, i'd abandon it and do something else as I find mainstream styles a dull way to play.
I know people dislike melee, but it isn't easy - if it was everyone would be doing it, and if everyone started doing it, I certainly wouldn't anymore.