The best hatemail ever

Post » Sun May 15, 2011 10:45 am

After posting kills in the 20s and spreads over 15 for 5 games in a row with my melee class, the enemy team MVP who was actually quite a skilled player and always went positive, quit out in frustration and sent me a message that went...

"I've been playing this game for a long time and thought it was free of s***ty tactics until I watched you in action. I don't know whether to congratulate you or condemn you for being the virus that will eventually destroy this game"

Brilliant. In terms of backhanded compliments, that's the best I think I've ever had.

To his credit (I messaged him back and had a chat) he wasn't hating on me personally, but said he had come from Assassin's Creed where a meta-style had apparently developed that had ruined the multiplayer, and was worried people would start copying such a sucessful style and wreck this game.

I reassured him that after near 600 games, I've seen a total of 4 other people doing well with it, so even though it's powerfull it must take some skill or it'd have already taken over. I only use it purely because I enjoy playing an unorthodox style, and if it became the go to class for everyone, i'd abandon it and do something else as I find mainstream styles a dull way to play.

I know people dislike melee, but it isn't easy - if it was everyone would be doing it, and if everyone started doing it, I certainly wouldn't anymore.
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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 10:49 am

Hi. Some games I just hide and tag. I usually get a kill or two, but it really helps the team out. In fact, having someone camp and tag is WAY worse than having someone run around and melee IMO.

I also try to do ONLY stealth kills some games (highest is 16 stealth kills in a game).

It's certainly not as easy as one might think especially on larger maps.

Here's a tip for those that hate melee: if you see a player running at you firing, and you're doing the same, mash the melee button and run through kinda' like you're doing a joust of olden time then turn and repeat. If you stand still you're guarenteed to get beatdown.
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Ellie English
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 10:28 am

Fighting melee characters are easy.

When you see them running at you, armor up shoot until there dead or jump over them, armor up and shoot them.

Melee only works on idiots, you might catch me out once or twice a game but a melee class will die more for trying.
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Emma-Jane Merrin
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 11:16 am

Want to try sometime? Maybe the melee people you've played are not up to scratch. :D

I melee yes, but the focus is on speed, invisibility and flanking almost exclusively. Armour up all you like, but when 9/10 times my first hit is in your back, there's not a huge amount you can do.
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Marta Wolko
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 11:05 pm

I can see your point, but seems a bit risky and masochistic to me. Good chance you will get shoot down by an enemy teammate doing it and if the enemy has Proximity Alarm or Maximum Radar, it's not happening. Not if there good anyway.

Like I said, a good player might get caught out once or twice due to the randomness of the engagement (it's completely unexpected) but they will catch on and just jump/run around to out-flank your flank or just plain escape momentarily to find where you are and shoot you down.

That person was right in a way that the tactic is cheap, but not everyone can do it consistently so kudos to you. They should remove melee completely IMO it's so retarded in this game. Two people running around in circle clicking right-anolog is not what I have in mind when I play a FPS. A Nanosuit soldier can withstand 8 bullets but not 2 punches. Stupid.

I'm not going to risk a private match with you as I'm 2nd reboot level 38 and can't be bothered with having it all reset.
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Tha King o Geekz
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 2:10 pm

Honestly I'd have to say that 80% or so of the people that play this game are casual gamers who play for fun and generally aren't very good. So of course this works. Who can't melee a newb from behind? It's also not hard or skillful really, hell, it takes less skill than just aiming your gun at their head. All you have to do is sprint around the map in stealth and run up behind people.

I played quite a few games with your same class the other day. It's even easier if you crank your sensitivity up to about 5 or 6 so you can spin around faster while circle strafing your enemies. Also allows for easier jump turning. Such as jumping over your target spinning around and getting him in the back.

As someone else said tho, this isn't going to work on good players. In fact, I see it all the time where people like you basicly watch their teammates die while they're sprinting in for a melee as opposed to just dropping the guy from range. You might get me once or twice a game while i'm killing your teammates but in any other situation I'm going to hear you coming, turn to find your transparent ass and put one in your dome. All day.
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Lucie H
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 11:05 am

I'm not going to risk a private match with you as I'm 2nd reboot level 38 and can't be bothered with having it all reset.

Nah, not talking about a private match, as like I say, i'm not some meta whoring elitist or anything trying to prove a point. Just jump in a public game sometime if you want for a casual game. I am very good at melee if I do say so myself, and think I have it down to a fine art, but not really trying to prove anything.
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El Khatiri
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 3:23 pm

My GT is: TwistedBuddha X, add me and we can party up. We most likely be on opposite team though most the time though with how the party system seems to operate lol
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Tyler F
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 8:18 pm

As someone else said tho, this isn't going to work on good players. In fact, I see it all the time where people like you basicly watch their teammates die while they're sprinting in for a melee as opposed to just dropping the guy from range. You might get me once or twice a game while i'm killing your teammates but in any other situation I'm going to hear you coming, turn to find your transparent ass and put one in your dome. All day.

All hearsay. Until you meet me in the game, neither of us can prove our point, so there's no point getting into a wang measuring contest.

All I'll say is in 600 games, nobody has had the measure of my style or shut my game down. The vast majority of my losses and about half of my deaths are down to purposely levelling bad modules and guns for the XP, which as i'm level 50, don't bother anymore.
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Lil Miss
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 10:45 am

All hearsay. Until you meet me in the game, neither of us can prove our point, so there's no point getting into a wang measuring contest.

All I'll say is in 600 games, nobody has had the measure of my style or shut my game down. The vast majority of my losses and about half of my deaths are down to purposely levelling bad modules and guns for the XP, which as i'm level 50, don't bother anymore.

Wasn't trying to measure wangs. Just offering my opinion on why things are the way they are. I know you run stealth enhance so i'm going to hear your footsteps. Have to imagine, most of the people you're playing don't have headphones, play with too low of a sensitivity to turn quickly and are just generally bad at positioning themselves. Just typical random players in FPS games are laughable at best. There's usually what, 2 good players in each game? I rarely see more than that unless they came together.

Good players will already be turning in the direction of your footsteps and looking for you by the time you're inside 20 yards. It's just not something that is going to be reliable against good opponents.

No wang measuring intended.
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i grind hard
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 1:15 pm

Good players will already be turning in the direction of your footsteps and looking for you by the time you're inside 20 yards. It's just not something that is going to be reliable against good opponents.

No wang measuring intended.

No offence intended or taken with the wang reamark - I meant it purely in good humour.

Yes, headphones will help, but I have great success even at the front, as I generally swan dive over the head of someone who turns, spin mid air and hit them in the head on the way down, then get a side punch in to finish them off. Also footsteps won't help if i'm intervening in firefight you're already in, or coming from above or below you (both things I do a lot of) Likewise, enemy radars actually help me, as I am a lot faster than the refresh, and the majority of times it allows me to easily kill people looking at where they last saw my red dot as I hit them in the back.

Trust me, I have played a lot of good players, and I still post good results. The probelm is there's a lot of bad melee players too who probably make the style look ineffective at high level play, but if you can master the agility and movement needed (the key thing for melee) it is still good IMO at top level. The only real sure-fire defence is to sit in a corner, but then I'll just shoot you with my Feline...

Either way, i'm just saying neither of us has played each other, so it's futile to say what works against whom as you could be a level above anyone I've ever played, but just as likely I could be twice as good as any melee player you've ever faced.
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Averielle Garcia
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 12:45 pm

good hatemail? never knew there was such a thing
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Kirsty Collins
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 7:06 pm

Fighting melee characters are easy.

When you see them running at you, armor up shoot until there dead or jump over them, armor up and shoot them.

Melee only works on idiots, you might catch me out once or twice a game but a melee class will die more for trying.

Thank you^ haha melee people almost had me there goood one.....yeah

-Edit- I have no turtle beaches but ive been kicking ass....the way people go on about these headsets giving more situational awareness with sounds makes me want to get a Trittan headset.

And then none of you will be safe.....
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 5:13 pm

Fighting melee characters are easy.

When you see them running at you, armor up shoot until there dead or jump over them, armor up and shoot them.

Melee only works on idiots, you might catch me out once or twice a game but a melee class will die more for trying.

Thank you^ haha melee people almost had me there goood one.....yeah

-Edit- I have no turtle beaches but ive been kicking ass....the way people go on about these headsets giving more situational awareness with sounds makes me want to get a Trittan headset.

And then none of you will be safe.....

So much ignorance regarding melee here... where you not the guy who in another topic said no modules or weapons can make melee any better, as in meleeing with a LMG and no efficiency modules would produce the exact same results? You have no idea what you are talking about.

A game needs organising here I think so some people can get an education firsthand. If you haven't encountered a decent melee player yet, then prepare to be utterly surprised.
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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 5:00 pm

I have to agree with both of you. There are amazing melee players who have kicked my ass. But there are ones that have no clue as to what there doing and I can easily shoot them down. It's easy to tell who is good at it and who isn't. I rock a feline and it easily mows down the newb melee guys. I personally love playing with melee guys cuz it gives you a surprise when your in the middle of a heated firefight and they blindside your ass. Good times! :) this game is fun to test yourself and have a friendly game with experienced players. I'm a low rank, but I usually put up a better fight than most high levels. If you guys get a game together I would love to dodge the melee guys. I'm all hands for this. :) my gamertag is XSneakySnip3rX hit me up you guys and let's get a friendly match going.
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Maddy Paul
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 8:00 pm

I'm glad not everyone hates the melee!

For me it's not the melee bit I like, it's the stealthy running and jumping and flanking. I happen to punch purely because at that range it's more efficient (in terms of kill times and accuracy) than shooting. I could probably still be about 80% as good if I used a shotgun (as that's how I started), but then i'm just making it harder for myself pointlessly, and i'll eventually run out of ammo if doing well and have to start punching again anyway.

I melee not because I find it OP - I do it because it's fun. It was garbage I'd still do it. It's just the method I happen to have fun with. In Halo Reach I ran a CQC Jetpack class, which obviously is pretty rubbish compared to the other options, but I did it because it was fun (even though Armour Lock instead would have doubled my k/d in similar situations) and I still went positive, so what's the harm.

Anyway I don't think melee is destined to become an OP meta style simply because it is hard to do well. You have to be constantly moving, constantly watching your energy and the radar, and getting every kill right in the thick of the action and being extremely agile (diving over people's heads, ledge grabbing everywhere instead of taking the steps) If you camp with it or just charge at people, then clearly you're not going to do well. There's just simply too much to be thinking of for your average elitist k/d whoring moron to do well in, who will just fall back on camping with a Scarab.

I like it because it is unorthadox and exciting. If everyone started doing it, i'd stop and run with something else as I game to express my originality and creativity not to get high ratios. It just so happens with this style I get both.
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 7:27 pm

Fighting melee characters are easy.

When you see them running at you, armor up shoot until there dead or jump over them, armor up and shoot them.

Melee only works on idiots, you might catch me out once or twice a game but a melee class will die more for trying.
armour dosent affect melee :o
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Quick Draw III
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 4:55 pm

I do not support your method of playing, infact im entirely against it even if its just for fun.
Like making a Commando class on MW2, disgusts me!
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Austin England
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 10:17 pm

If you don't like his playing methods than don't comment at all. You go and play as you wish. But gaming is to have fun and play as you wish. And clearly he has fun with his melee. I have fun trying to dodge people like him. So if your gonna hate, then quit out of the games that have melee guys. Or get some balls and deal with them. It's just a game and it's made for people to enjoy. No matter what there playing preference. :)
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