Crysis 2 MP lack Content? *Suggestions Inside*

Post » Sun May 15, 2011 5:55 pm


This is not another complaint thread, so please do not use it as such. There are enough of them already.

I was reading through a few topics in the PC section and a poster said that C2 MP suffers from a lack of content. Here are my opinions on why I also believe the MP lacks content and possible suggestions. If you come up with good ideas yourself, small of large, then I will add then to the list and perhaps if the thread becomes big enough they make notice it and look into the suggestions (please no, "Crytek won't bother blah blah" or "fix the game first" comments).

If this could be made a sticky that would be great, this is different from the issues thread. This thread is about adding more content not fixing pre-existing content.

a) No effective weapons after level 27 - After obtaining the Scarab at level 27 there are no more effective weapons up until level 50. Yes, some people for fun like to use the Mike and Guass, but these are not effective weapons IMO. There is a definite lack of weaponry. I think that if the added two more Assault Rifles, 1 more shotgun and submachinegun then this will flesh out the MP further.

b) Lack of Maps - Currently there are 13, however most of use only tend to see 5-6 on a regular basis due to the current map rotation system. Future MAP Pack DLC should resolve this issue.

c) Nerf the full-auto's a little on the game - This would allow players to choose a variety of weapons. The greater choice in weapons would add more content to the game. It would also promote more strategic thinking as you would have to engage enemies at more opportune times and more gun skill will be required.

d) Let characters play as Aliens, the character models are already there as per the SP campaign. A Team Instant Match game type could be introduced, Nanosuit vs Aliens.

e) Dual-wield secondary weapons.

f) Increase the damage resistance for the armor - At the moment it is only useful to resist grenades, although i have still died with armor on even if I had not taken any previous damage (I think this may be because it takes a long time to transition). I regularly gun people down who wear armor when I don't even in a face-to-face battle. This will add tactical fighting as 'real armor' will be available.

g) Increase lobby size - When the connections are more stable then perhaps increase the lobby size from 12 to 16 players- 8 vs 8 would be more exciting and dynamic. We would also need to increase the Kill Count in the game modes to compensate for this.

h) At the present time, if you attack from stealth the 1st hit does no damage. This is a well-known fact. I suggest this system is removed as the Stealth Assassinations are too awkward presently. If I try and assassinate someone and misses I will melee them (which does no damage), I then need to melee them twice again before I can kill them, at total of 3 melee's to kill. If they armor up immediately this increases to 3, making a total of 4 hits. It is clear that any half-good player can kill you very easily with full-auto weapon by the time you have hit them 3-4 times.

i) Enemy Radar HUD Display - Sometimes when an enemy has an a radar up it doesn't always announce it vocally, or if it does then it can be obscured by explosions, the rush of the moment or from conversing with friends over party chat. Perhaps something by the radar to indicate that one is operating at that time. I only mention this becomes sometimes I wonder why enemies just seem to know where I am all the time and then find out they had a radar.

j) Let everyone have the abilities of Stealth Enhance III by default. That means that it is no longer a module but everyone has the abilities. Currently almost everyone I know and see online uses SE III, there is 7-8 modules in the Stealth category and only rarely anyone uses them except for SE III, having everyone have this module by default will free up the other modules for players choice. This will be better for everyone especially Crytek as you didn't spend all this time making the modules for them not to be used. This is adding more content to the game without actually adding anything new.

This will also alleviate the grind from level 1-20. Until you have SE III, the MP is a real pain and not a very enjoyable experience. People I know who have rebooted, including myself, can vouch for this.

k) Rebooting Your Suit - I have listed possible alterations here on page 5:

These have been acknowledged by Cry-Adam and have been passed to developers.

l) Remove Melee from Assault Mode - There is a grip with the fact that the Nanosuits can just armor up and hit the Marines twice and kill them. It makes the Assault mode too easy for Nanosuits and too difficult for Marines. More people will then want to play this.

m) Reduce the level requirements for game types.

n) Service Record viewing - when in the pre-lobby or game lobby, the ability to view other players Service Records would be a great addition.

o) Weapon Attachments on the fly - Just as in the SP to have them in the MP. I don't think that anything would suffer from being able to change to a Shotgun attachment to a Gauss or Extended Mags whenever you want.

I will add more if I get more ideas.



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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 1:20 pm

12 Maps on release seems like a pretty good deal.
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 8:51 am

I agree with the lack of weapons, its too much like BC2, once u hit level 20, then what? ranking up became pointless.

The MIKE is anything but inneffective, infact when i activate tryhard mode, this is the weapon i equip.

I also dont think 1 shot snipers is a good idea, I like sniping atm, even with the Gauss obviously being worse than the DSG, i still use the gauss on lighthouse/statue and Pier17. usually going about 10-20 kills to 1 death when i snipe.
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Jonathan Montero
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 2:22 pm

f) Make sniper a 1 hit-kill when looking down the sights. 2 hit-kill when no-scoping. This will stop players running around with sniper rifles. Making a Sniper OHK will add another dimension to the game as more people will want to be snipers. This will make us more aware of high-ground and better use of the tagging system in team based games. There is no worry with "everyone will become snipers" as you can't win a game with just snipers.

Good read, agree with most of your points and this game does need more content. The sniper being a OHK would entirely ruin this game tho and I'd return it tomorrow. For one, OHK snipers is the worst thing to come to any game.... EVER. There is nothing more annoying than being killed by some **** you can't see.... except for being OHK from some **** you can't see from across the map and having literally no line of defense. On top of that, most people don't realize the power of the GSG yet due to all the laggy games. Give it to me with a reflex, extended mag and rapid fire, I'll take most people out in CQC with it all day. I can rush around corners with it, probably the best gun in the game when the hit registration is on point. Wait for a networking patch... all you're gonna hear is "nerf gsg."
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Maria Leon
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 2:45 pm

f) Make sniper a 1 hit-kill when looking down the sights. 2 hit-kill when no-scoping. This will stop players running around with sniper rifles. Making a Sniper OHK will add another dimension to the game as more people will want to be snipers. This will make us more aware of high-ground and better use of the tagging system in team based games. There is no worry with "everyone will become snipers" as you can't win a game with just snipers.

Good read, agree with most of your points and this game does need more content. The sniper being a OHK would entirely ruin this game tho and I'd return it tomorrow. For one, OHK snipers is the worst thing to come to any game.... EVER. There is nothing more annoying than being killed by some **** you can't see.... except for being OHK from some **** you can't see from across the map and having literally no line of defense. On top of that, most people don't realize the power of the GSG yet due to all the laggy games. Give it to me with a reflex, extended mag and rapid fire, I'll take most people out in CQC with it all day. I can rush around corners with it, probably the best gun in the game when the hit registration is on point. Wait for a networking patch... all you're gonna hear is "nerf gsg."

You raised good points about people running around with a reflex sight and 1 shot killing never thought of that. Although I don't use snipers, I was trying to make them a part of the a game, but it would obviously not now work.

I'll remove that suggestion.
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 7:56 pm

I agree with the lack of weapons, its too much like BC2, once u hit level 20, then what? ranking up became pointless.

The MIKE is anything but inneffective, infact when i activate tryhard mode, this is the weapon i equip.

I also dont think 1 shot snipers is a good idea, I like sniping atm, even with the Gauss obviously being worse than the DSG, i still use the gauss on lighthouse/statue and Pier17. usually going about 10-20 kills to 1 death when i snipe.

I've removed the 1-hit kill Sniper suggestion now as with feedback it wouldn't make sense. 2-hit = useless, 1 hit= OP.
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Clea Jamerson
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 2:48 pm

I just wish all the maps were available for all game types - a true 12 map experience. No complaints though, I love the game.
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 9:14 am

I just wish all the maps were available for all game types - a true 12 map experience. No complaints though, I love the game.

Some maps cannot be made for all Game Types, like CS on Impact.
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 9:29 pm

*Added Service Record viewing*
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Post » Sun May 15, 2011 11:26 am

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