To be quite honest, half of the unlocks seem like sad attempts to give me a reason to keep leveling... I mean, unlocking game modes have been dubbed ridiculous already, so I won't beat a dead horse.
It would have been cooler to unlock skins/camos and maybe spread the weapon unlocks out a bit more: I.E. have the Feline unlocked at 17, the Marshal at 21, the AY69 at 23, etc. I mean it sort of works like that now I suppose with the weapon unlock "tokens", but for whatever reason, those don't seem to really get me wanting to level for the next weapon. Perhaps because I have no idea what levels they really unlock.
The dog tags are cool and all, but after rebooting, what is there really to unlock? You get to keep your dog tags.
All in all, I suppose I just feel like the leveling system in this game was a half-assed attempt to mimic CoD to pull from that crowd. I suppose that fits because, at it's current state, the whole game seems a bit half-assed. Which is a shame, because I still feel it really has a lot of potential.