now i would hate to see extreme high fantasy magic (like summoning a giant demon to throw a fireball) but i do want magic to be PRETTY!
fire should look life fire. obvious eh? some nice little additions however would be...
the colour of the fire changing dynamically depending on the power of the spell (orange, yellow,white,blue)
special fire spells and effects should have their own colours... a Lich might have green fire spells while a xivilai might have red fire spells.
There should be Lights coming from the fire. The lights should correspond to the fire's colour.
enchanted fire weapons should drag flames across on strike and glow with hotness when used frequently
When charging up lightning attacks lightning from the surroundings should travel towards the hand (like a vort in half life one but with modern graphics :celebration: )
more powerfull lightning attacks should have more bolts or thicker bolts
again.. like fire... some lightning spells should have different colours ( to help enchance atmosphere or fit a character... a good deadra might have yellow lightning. a witch might have red lightning. an undead lord might have cyan lighting etc) but power does not change colour
more powerful frost spells should be whiter, weaker spells should be more transparent. the appearance of frost spells should also be affected by light.
soul trap
when an npc with soul trap on them dies there should be an actual representation of their soul being torn from their bodies and traveling into the players inventory.. or even better.. the player holds the gem up in his hand and it flies into that.
perhaps the soul trap spell should be changed around a little.. instead of a spell in one hand you could equip a soul gem (many sizes) in a hand and activate it while killing an enemy . this suggestion might get a lot of controversy but please dont write of the entire thread because of it.
the user of the spell should svck the opponents energy into the hand or mouth.
the ranged effect should not be bright. something subtle like this
the not ranged spell effect should appear more like an actual physical grabbing of attributes. the hand should actualy GRAB the victim like a vacume cleaner when holding down the button!
a healing blue,green or yellow light would be much better than a blue gas i think.
mind altering spells (charm,furry,calm)
these should not have a ball of magic but instead are invisible to even the player. however it would be interesting to see tiny magical alterations to their eyes
summoning creature spells should have different effects
1: what kind of electrical effects are used
2: what kind of light is cast on the summon
3: what kind of smoke/mist is created
4: how the creature is formed
5: what kind of explosion is used
6: what colours to use for the above
(each creature should also have a few summoning animations)
as for weapons they should simply form in the character's open hand, created by a black smoke that rolls of the newly formed blade
other things
creatures need extra special effects!!
a skeleton's eye sockets (this could work for many monsters, but skeletons are in mind) might burn with whatever magic they are using (little electric bolts might come of when using lightning, flaming eye sockets when using fire...) but perhaps magic could occasionaly make eyes GLOW (without overdoing it)
atronach special effects should change depending on their health. becoming brighter when using spells and duller (and different in colour) when loosing health.
npcs should have very versatile options when it comes to effects. a modder should be able to make green fire atronaches or ice breathing skeleton champions that have a magical light in their rib cages and skulls
there should be "visual" magics that npcs might do when bored or to intimidate the player... puffing fire out of their mouths.. playing with lights, juggling with magic or other effects to engage the player.