Mod Related But not really "CS" related...

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:14 am

I want to imprint the Fighter's Guild logo onto some cloth and metal textures. But I can't seem to figure out how to do it and make it look natural. When I do opacity levels in Photoshop it doesnt come out looking well. I tried masking and stuff but I think I just fail at masking because it ends up either just all white or indistinguishable as a logo. I just want th elogo to be able to print over the material (cloth, metal, wood, whatever) and look like it was "ingrained or knit" into the surface, while keeping all of its original details instead of just being a generic logo look. I have both photoshop and gimp so I can do it in either one if anyone knows how. Can anyone help me with this? I've been pulling my hair out for days trying to get this to work.

Here's sort of an example of what I'm going for on the shield:

But I'm more looking to have it so the logo is imprinted on stuff like cloth but keeps the folds and shadows inside the texture or would keep the grittiness of the metal its imprinted on. Any help would be fantastic. Please help T_T
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Wane Peters
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 5:45 pm

I've done stuff like that before. What I usually do is:

1) Copy the background to a new layer, and put the logo layer between the original background layer and the background copy layer.

2) Then on the background copy layer, Color to Alpha/white, so that all that remains is the dark material detail, such as fabric weave and folds or wood grain, etc...

3) You may want to desaturate the copy layer at this point, or at least the portion that sits over the logo, so it doesn't tint the logo

4) And also lighten it and/or adjust the opacity or contrast of the copy layer so it doesn't make the detail too heavy over the original background. You can even erase around where it overlays the original background, leaving only enough to cover the logo, if that helps.

5) And then use the original normal map for the background without the logo, so the lighting treats the logo as if it were just another part of the material.

Good luck!
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Davorah Katz
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