NPC Dialogue

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 9:14 am

I've made a custom NPC--Darius Vitruvius--that seems to be flat-out refusing to use any of the dialogue I've written. As of right now, I only have a greeting that is also meant to add a topic, but he will not speak this greeting.

I've done everything outlined I made a quest, set the priority to 100, added the GREETING topic with my custom dialogue, set the condition to "GetisID DariusVitruvius == 1.00" which is the correct ID of the NPC I'm using, then I load the game up, talk to Darius for the first time and he greets me with the generic "What can I do for you?" Totally ignoring the custom greeting.

I have an MP3, with the correct formating, and a .lip file in the correct locations and with the correct names.

I'm completely stumped after messing with this for hours.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:25 am

I assume Darius Vitruvius is an Imperial, not a custom race, so the IsPlayableRace test applies.

Enter "SQV questname" in the console to find out if the quest containing the dialog is actually running. If the "Start Game Enabled" got unset, or a script issued StopQuest, then the dialog isn't available.

I don't think any problems with the voice will prevent the text from showing, so the MP3/Lip files shouldn't matter.
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:21 am

Thanks, it was the Start Game Enabled button that wasn't checked.

I've also been trying to get a custom race to say certain dialogue while in combat, for Attack and Hit, but it isn't working. The custom race is set to playable, so will that still be counted by the IsPlayableRest condition? The custom race is an Ayleid set to have High Elf voice, but with custom dialogue written for combat with the mp3s in place. I'd like my Ayleid to say ONLY the custom lines while in combat, but instead she's ignoring them and going with the generic High Elf lines. Again, same quest, so the priority is set to 100, and I'm using the GetIsID line for the condition.
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Kim Bradley
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