1) Poison resistance. If I understand the wiki right, a poison doing a total of 100 dmg will only do 50pts to an actor with poison resist 50%. I also understand the role of resist element and resist paralysis. What I don't understand: why do I get every now and then a 'damage health resisted' message when I hit an actor who definitely doesn't have 100% poison resistance? Is there a chance base element like spell absorb involved?
2) Enchantment: Say, I enchant a dagger with 10 pts shock dmg for 1 sec. I hit an actor at t0 and hit again at t 0.85 (speed > 1). What happens with the second hit? Is the damage replaced, which would mean, I pay a full charge for 8.5 dmg? Does the damage stack (most likely not)? The wiki has a confusing (for me at least) quote:
'A damage effect for 1 secs actually has to wait for 1 second to trigger. If you are using a fast weapon such as a dagger, there may be several fatal damage ticks waiting in the queue already, making each superfluous strike a wasted weapon charge.
Can anyone elaborate on that?
3) And now to something completely different...grass (as I said: unassorted). IMO the world looks better with grass, but whattever I do, even with maxed grass distance, my char always stands in the center of an isle of grass, there is a clear distinct border where the engine stops rendering grass. Even worse, that isle moves with my char, not so bad in certain regions, but otherwise, a complete immersion killer for me. Is there anything I can do about it short of drastically decreasing the view distance.