Unaassorted questions

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:36 am

Everything you always wanted to know about Oblivion, but were afraid to ask..delurking.

1) Poison resistance. If I understand the wiki right, a poison doing a total of 100 dmg will only do 50pts to an actor with poison resist 50%. I also understand the role of resist element and resist paralysis. What I don't understand: why do I get every now and then a 'damage health resisted' message when I hit an actor who definitely doesn't have 100% poison resistance? Is there a chance base element like spell absorb involved?

2) Enchantment: Say, I enchant a dagger with 10 pts shock dmg for 1 sec. I hit an actor at t0 and hit again at t 0.85 (speed > 1). What happens with the second hit? Is the damage replaced, which would mean, I pay a full charge for 8.5 dmg? Does the damage stack (most likely not)? The wiki has a confusing (for me at least) quote:

'A damage effect for 1 secs actually has to wait for 1 second to trigger. If you are using a fast weapon such as a dagger, there may be several fatal damage ticks waiting in the queue already, making each superfluous strike a wasted weapon charge.

Can anyone elaborate on that?

3) And now to something completely different...grass (as I said: unassorted). IMO the world looks better with grass, but whattever I do, even with maxed grass distance, my char always stands in the center of an isle of grass, there is a clear distinct border where the engine stops rendering grass. Even worse, that isle moves with my char, not so bad in certain regions, but otherwise, a complete immersion killer for me. Is there anything I can do about it short of drastically decreasing the view distance.

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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:24 pm

1) Poison resistance. If I understand the wiki right, a poison doing a total of 100 dmg will only do 50pts to an actor with poison resist 50%. I also understand the role of resist element and resist paralysis. What I don't understand: why do I get every now and then a 'damage health resisted' message when I hit an actor who definitely doesn't have 100% poison resistance? Is there a chance base element like spell absorb involved?

Yes, Resist Magic and Spell Absorption come into play when casting Damage Health spells.

2) Enchantment: Say, I enchant a dagger with 10 pts shock dmg for 1 sec. I hit an actor at t0 and hit again at t 0.85 (speed > 1). What happens with the second hit? Is the damage replaced, which would mean, I pay a full charge for 8.5 dmg? Does the damage stack (most likely not)? The wiki has a confusing (for me at least) quote:

Can anyone elaborate on that?

If you hit someone with a dagger with 10pts shock damage for 1 sec twice, and that enemy only has 20 health, then those two swings should be enough to kill that enemy. However, it will take 2 seconds for that full 20 points of health to drain, which is enough time to sneak in another hit or two with the dagger, which will expend charges on the enemy that is as good as dead already.

3) And now to something completely different...grass (as I said: unassorted). IMO the world looks better with grass, but whattever I do, even with maxed grass distance, my char always stands in the center of an isle of grass, there is a clear distinct border where the engine stops rendering grass. Even worse, that isle moves with my char, not so bad in certain regions, but otherwise, a complete immersion killer for me. Is there anything I can do about it short of drastically decreasing the view distance.

Are you on the PC? It's probable that there are mods out there that increase grass distance. Otherwise, I'd just say turn the grass off. It doesn't look that bad without grass and you get used to it after a while. Or just deal with the "isle of grass" situation.
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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:32 am

A dagger with 10 damage x 1 second is less efficient if you strike faster than once per second since it does indeed take 1 full second to deliver its full damage. If you strike again .85 second after your first strike, you will stop the first strike's magic damage 85% of the way through its course and reset it to start again. This is somewhat noticeable on very fast weapons.

The fastest damage delivery you can get from a weapon crafted at the the enchanting altar is over 1 full second. Many of the pre enchanted weapons you find, and all those enchanted for damage by sigil stone can deliver their damage 'on strike' - that means full and instant damage.

This distinction between 'on strike' and x 1 second is relevant primarily for dagger users who can strike very quickly. It is not important for bow, claymore or even long sword users.
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