"My My What Pale Skin You Have"

Post » Wed May 18, 2011 9:50 pm

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emma sweeney
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 7:27 am

Is it your first offense?

First time I've got caught. I think I might have caught a disease off of a zombie though.

@JamSplat - there was a lot of missed opportunity with Necromancers in past TES games, in addition to summoning zombies and animating corpses there could be a lot more interesting forms of Necromancer magic involving divining, curses and illusion type spells based around working with the remains of the dead, not to mention quests.

A great quest would be to allow a man to see his deceased wife again and use the info you gain from her to track down her killers. It would be a an interesting way of gathering info but i fear it would be too difficult to implement.
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Da Missz
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:58 am

First time I've got caught. I think I might have caught a disease off of a zombie though.

A great quest would be to allow a man to see his deceased wife again and use the info you gain from her to track down her killers. It would be a an interesting way of gathering info but i fear it would be too difficult to implement.

I'll hold off until I get a chance to play the vanilla game and research the changes to the Creation Kit, but I'm considering developing a Necromancy magic overhaul mod with quests.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 9:41 pm

I wonder what the punishment for necrophillia in skyrim is?

Not sure, but the penalty for grave-robbing is apparently death without trial in Cyrodiil. In fact, stealing a wooden spoon can be death without trial if you don't pay your fine or go to jail lol.
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Marina Leigh
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 5:55 pm

(My wife's laughing at me as I type)...It's kinda funny how people....aww nevermind...to the people who seem to think ideas for features in games come from only one other source (I can't possibly have read HISTORY BOOKS or FILMS, TRAVELED or maybe even seen an aspect of it in other games other than Fable (which I played all of maybe 20 mins back when the first one came out...I mostly play GuildWars btw and just happened to had played Morrowind on the original Xbox)....ahhh forget it (wife's Laughing her a** off! ~ Her major was in ancient (pre-christian) european cultures... ) Good luck in Life!
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Richard Thompson
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 9:40 am

Most people here are used to setting up how they're character looks from the beginning. I wouldn't mind seeing it to some degree. I mean, we had that with Vampirism, but it was only when we didn't feed. Having pale skin, sunken eyes, etc. is really a reflection of a character that spends his days in a dark cave doing nothing but dark magic. That's really something that should be decided on from the beginning. It would be hard to decide how long it would take for those features to come through, and I don't think something like this would be implemented very well. On that note, I do wonder if there is a muscle perk associated with some skills, that increases damage, but also muscle mass. That way it would be entirely optional, being a perk and all, but I think our build will be something decided on in the beginning of the game. I think the only thing we need to worry about in the beginning is choosing our race and appearance, and everything else is determined by how we choose to play the game. I guess we won't know how far that is taken until we get more info or play the actual game.
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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:33 pm

I don't get why everyone is so sceptical about this. I find it to be very intruiging and I wouldn'y mind seeing it in the game. Physical changes and new magical abilities would be great and I think the lore can be stretched to make this fit in Skyrim.
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Taylah Illies
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:53 am

Necromancy isn't evil.

I'm not saying it is, but regardless, that's what most think of it. And those people you've helped... I did say those who like you otherwise wouldn't care.
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