What do you do when you get mobbed?

Post » Wed May 18, 2011 5:55 pm

it's impossible to finish the game with a pure warrior.

No sir, it's not. I have played more than one pure melee warrior in my earlier days. And by 'pure' I mean pure. These characters did not use any of these things:

* Enchanted weapons, armor or clothing.
* Spells (including the starter Heal).
* Potions.
* Scrolls.
* Soul gems
* Varla stones.
* Sigil stones.
* Welkynd stones.
* Alchemy
* Fast travel (I consider pointing at a map and transporting there to be a form of magic).

They also did not use shields (they were all two-handed sword wielders). You do have to play carefully. You have to pick your fights and plan ahead. Good strategy is the key to surviving. But I've spent hundreds of hours playing characters like this and we have survived everything the game threw at us.
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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 11:13 pm

No sir, it's not. I have played more than one pure melee warrior in my earlier days. And by 'pure' I mean pure. These characters did not use any of these things:

* Enchanted weapons, armor or clothing.
* Spells (including the starter Heal).
* Potions.
* Scrolls.
* Soul gems
* Varla stones.
* Sigil stones.
* Welkynd stones.
* Alchemy
* Fast travel (I consider pointing at a map and transporting there to be a form of magic).

They also did not use shields (they were all two-handed sword wielders). You do have to play carefully. You have to pick your fights and plan ahead. Good strategy is the key to surviving. But I've spent hundreds of hours playing characters like this and we have survived everything the game threw at us.

When you say no Alchemy did that include buying/looting potions pre-made ??
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:11 am

When you say no Alchemy did that include buying/looting potions pre-made ??

He said that he didn't use potions.

So earlier today I made an Orc Warrior with destruction, and I got mobbed by 5 bandits with a ringleader holding a warhammer. Believe me, it's not fun to have no restore health potions, only relying on a measly 8-pt restore health spell. So you really have to think as a warrior, not blindly hack and slash your opponents.
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Emerald Dreams
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:33 am

This thread is starting to remind me of my teenage tae kwon do days. :toughninja: Our teacher taught us that it's better to know how to run than to fight. In other words, us students shouldn't go around trying to use our hand-to-hand fighting skills to pick fights. we should use these skills more defensively, and only if we have to as a last resort. Otherwise it's best to run. There's actually nothing wrong with looking like a coward; at least there's less of a chance you'll wind up in an emergency room.

If you run into a room full of enemies, be they imps, goblins, or marauders, of course you will get mobbed! I wouldn't expect anything less! This is what I paid for when I bought Oblivion 2 1/2 years ago! :lol:

So yeah, running into a room full of enemies with big, bad weapons and a "measly" 8-point Restore Health spell might be a bad idea! Just ....maybe....:whistling:
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Jah Allen
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:43 am

My former "pure" warrior (barbarian) used to be able to deal with mobs with two simple things: Block and the Acrobatics level 50 perk of Dodge. Involves a lot of "dancing" but the Dodge works very well for getting you out of a mob situation, and get you better situated so that you are not surrounded. Also, be aware of your surroundings. If you are overwhelmed, you can retreat to a narrow passage , which forces enemies to stack up, thus allowing you to only fight one at a time. No magic needed. And there's nothing wrong with running the hell away.
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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 9:24 am

My former "pure" warrior (barbarian) used to be able to deal with mobs with two simple things: Block and the Acrobatics level 50 perk of Dodge. Involves a lot of "dancing" but the Dodge works very well for getting you out of a mob situation, and get you better situated so that you are not surrounded.

Hey, how do you get Acrobatics so high? Do you just constantly jump around alot? To this day I've never had a char. who makes it to Journeyman level with this skill. Jumping in vanilla OBLIvion looks annoying to me....like something out of Mario Bros, which is why I only jump if I have to. Is there any other way, other than jumping all the time?

Also, be aware of your surroundings. If you are overwhelmed, you can retreat to a narrow passage , which forces enemies to stack up, thus allowing you to only fight one at a time. No magic needed.

This is true. You can also jump across chasm areas or broken bridges, and then pick at 'em with spells or arrows from a safe distance. The enemy (unfortunately) cannot jump.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:20 am

... A warrior is a person who uses brawn rather than brain. ...

... So you really have to think as a warrior, not blindly hack and slash your opponents. ...

Comparing these two quotes, I'm delighted at the progress you are making! :foodndrink:
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Laura Mclean
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:56 pm

Comparing these two quotes, I'm delighted at the progress you are making! :foodndrink:

Yeah lol, I need to lure people one by one to avoid getting mobbed (with a flare spell), but it's somewhat unavoidable, it creates to much noise sometimes.
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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:34 am

He said that he didn't use potions.

So earlier today I made an Orc Warrior with destruction, and I got mobbed by 5 bandits with a ringleader holding a warhammer. Believe me, it's not fun to have no restore health potions, only relying on a measly 8-pt restore health spell. So you really have to think as a warrior, not blindly hack and slash your opponents.

Yes. People have some idea that warriors are reckless. A true warrior understands the tactics of war. Why would anybody charge into a situation where they were outnumbered five to one? Far better to find a choke point, like a doorway or other obstruction, and draw your attackers to it, so you can take on one at a time.

You don't need potions or magic to heal. You just need to rest.

You don't need magic to kill. You just need a good weapon and good melee skill.

You don't need enchantments to protect you. You're wearing armor, and you know how to repair it between battles.

And, when all else fails, you can run to safety, and come back when you're better prepared.
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:19 am

Hey, how do you get Acrobatics so high? Do you just constantly jump around alot? To this day I've never had a char. who makes it to Journeyman level with this skill. Jumping in vanilla OBLIvion looks annoying to me....like something out of Mario Bros, which is why I only jump if I have to. Is there any other way, other than jumping all the time?

Actually, I refuse to spam anything. My characters tend to do a lot of exploring. And a lot of traveling. I just find that through the course of my travels, my Acrobatics skill goes up. I've never had it at 100, well maybe once, but on an average character, it tends to level out around 75ish. Your skill will also go up if you fall a large distance. This actually happens to me a lot, if I'm running across a mountain ridge (90% of my game is in third-person), in third-person mode it's difficult to see a drop off if there is a lot of flora.
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Stephanie Valentine
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:13 am

If one chooses to 'spam' up acrobatics, it is pretty easy. You need to be jumping while moving. The best way to do this is to walk into a dead end where there is a low obstacle over your head. That way, when you jump, you hit the overhead and come back down almost immediately. If properly set up, you can hop as fast as you can tap the hop key. There are loads of places you can do this. Here are only a couple:

-The doorway into the bloodworks. Walk into the door and hop up into the door ledge.
-The pond inside the front gate of Anvil. Walk under the dock until your head stops you from going any further. Keep trying to walk and tap away on the hop key.

Some players endorse that practicing a skill to get better at it is both prudent and realistic. Such players might run to get better at running or cast spells before bed to get better at magic; others call it spamming. To each their own. :foodndrink:
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 9:22 am

^ OK thanks for your replies. Daddy and Acadian.

Daddy: most of my chars. do lots of exploring, actually. I hardly ever use fast travel. :shrug: Yet I've never had a character come close to journeyman. I do want my next character (and this'll probably be my last char. before Skyrim) to wind up with journeyman Acrobatics.

Acadian: I actually did have one character (Luci Pheria) who tried to spam Acrobatics, because like all my latest characters, she had Minors as Majors, but she got stuck at Level 1 because I made her Minor/Majors a little too well. :D I wanted her to finally make Level 2, so I put her in a safe area, changed the channel on my TV, and then jumped over and over again.

Let me tell you, it took a LOT of jumping before Acrobatics/her game leveled up at all! I seem to remember something like 15-20 minutes of me pressing jump while I was watching Medium on another channel before Acrobatics leveled up. After all this jumping, I started to feel like David Lee Roth. JUMP! ba-dum-tiss (sorry, bad joke).
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 7:09 am

I'm playing with OOO, but I'm sure even in vanilla oblivion you'll encounter this:

I was wandering somewhere and found a fort. I enter, then I find a room with 4 marauders plus a warlord. How will you even survive that assault?

If you'r a warrior, sure you can tank, but a 5 marauder attack will be hard, with them holding warhammers and axes.

If your a mage not adept at casting illusion spells, you're in even bigger trouble, unless you can one shot everything.

If your a thief, then you'r going to have a hard time at them not detecting you while poisons do the work.

For one, I don't go rushing in, announcing my arrival to all the marauders. That being said, I play mostly as a thief/ assassin backed up by magic. Marauders are usually some of the easiest foes to stay hidden from and snipe away at them. Just stay behind them/ keep them facing away from you. If you can't stay very well hidden from them (they keep seeing you) then either your sneak skill isn't high enough yet or your thieving/ assassin skills need some work. :P

For a pure warrior type, other than using restorative potions/ magic, all I can think of is back yourself into a narrow corner/ corridor so you only have to deal with them one at a time. That way the nearest one attacking you will keep the others out of reach just by being between you and the rest.
Do a power move to paralyze or knock down one of them and focus on the ones still standing until the knocked down foe gets back up.
Eliminate the weakest ones first to bring down the numbers faster, allowing you to dodge and make more time to strategize with fewer numbers of opponents.
If there are any archers in the mix, try to get the near foes into a crossfire of the arrows (keep nearest melee foe between you and the archer foe).
I don't think it unfair to drink some restore fatigue potions, to keep your attack power at max. Melee can consume considerable fatigue.
Of course, enchanted equipment (including weapons) can help a lot.
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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:17 am

Someone else already mentions this but I want to reinforce that bottlenecking opponents (like the 300 movie) does work.
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Chris Cross Cabaret Man
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 1:10 am

Someone else already mentions this but I want to reinforce that bottlenecking opponents (like the 300 movie) does work.

It certainly does. It's especially effective when some of the enemy group are casters or marksmen, and they're shooting their own allies in the back. :)
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