Great posts here, everyone. I wish I had time to respond to everybody because there are posts that make a lot of sense to me now, even if I don't agree with all of them. I'll pick Sergiroth's post, just because it's the most recent and it brings up stuff others haven't commented on, yet.
I find myself agreeing with what Thomas Kaira said in his post about the culture, Oblivion Crisis and all that stuff.
I enjoyed ( and enjoying ) Oblivion, but IMHO, the only two parts when the Oblivion Crisis felt like something important, is when you hear about Kvatch, and in the battle near Bruma when the Great Gate opens. The rest is just meh. You walk around Cyrodiil and you're like, "Oh, the 348238th Oblivion Gate just opened here. I'm going to ignore it in 3... 2... 1... now.".
At least we have the
choice to ignore it though. I've played other games (on consoles, mind you) where you didn't have this choice. Personally, I really dug coming up to a new gate, watching the
sky go red, the dry thunder striking noises in the distance, etc. It got addicting for me, to be honest.

I didn't close each and every gate I came upon, as I do have somewhat of a life. Maybe it's me, but the whole process of dealing with a new gate never got old. I'm actually missing them show up in my games. :confused:
I don't want to sound like a troll, but if someone says that closing gates is just interesting and not because you get a Sigil Stone, I'm going to scream "EPIC LIES!" all over the boards.
Okay, I was just kidding, but aside from getting a new shiny Sigil Stone, there's no real reason to close the gates. Yes, they look menacing, but they don't FEEL like it.
Guess I'm a liar then. Lol. I love the challenge of sneaking up on Oblivion's enemies once I'm in the gate. Some of them are just bad-ass. They catch me by surprise occasionally, too.
The Oblivion worlds are all generic though. Actually, I never brought this up in the OP, but if there's one thing that is generic, it certainly is the "other side" of the gate. I think I read at UESP that they used 7 different "worlds" or something
Also, vanilla Oblivion Cyrodiil's caves have basically all the same kind of light colors and illuminations. That's why they look "generic". But I'm not really blaming the game about that, since that was caused by Morrowind being more... "alienish".
This makes sense. I brought this up (kinda) in the OP, though. There are some generic (repeated) features in the caves and forts for sure.