[WIPz] Oblivions Youth

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:01 am


Well this is basically the first thread of the mod that I'm starting known as "Oblivions Youth" which basically adds children to Oblivion. I was actually shocked when there was no really big Children mods for Oblivion, so i thought the best idea was to begin one :tongue:. This project will add children to ever race, add new clothing for children, static items with children themes, add schools and other misc objects somewhat involving children.


I still need to make up a team of people for this project cause I alone won't be able to do it alone :unsure:, so thats why I asking all people interested in helping with this project to tell me either through this post or by messaging me, the more people on the team, the faster the project will be :biggrin:. Quick warning, this is going to be a big project. I will be doing things like textures and scripting, but that still doesn't mean I don't need more people to help with textures :tongue:.
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Jade MacSpade
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Joined: Thu Jul 20, 2006 9:53 pm

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