Before, it was bad enough that half the time you get logged into an empty server when you looked for a 'Quick Match', which is totally useless but at least you *knew* it was empty because you were in the lobby and you could just leave immediately before loading the map.
Now, you have *auto-start*, which means you MUST *wait* to AUTOMATICALLY *load* the map (to leave).
You also *DO NOT EXPECT* that you're on an empty server because you're somewhere in the map to start with, so you have the illusion of playing in a game (and because, really, when would you *expect* that the program decides you want to play a Quick Match by yourself on an empty server?)... *WHY* would the program ever decide you WANT to join an EMPTY QUICK MATCH?
Then, to add insult to injury, when you 'leave' you get the *LEAVING WILL COUNT AS A LOSS* message.
It may or may not, I don't know but it surely #&"%#% you off to join an empty server, have to wait to load the map to go look *again* and be told that somehow you're doing it wrong.
I mean, come-on!!!
Fix the dumb Quick-Match interface. *Never* join empty quick-match and make a button in the interface that looks for a different server in *one-click* when you, through some monumental fail of the Quick Match matchmaking system, actually join an empty one.
Surely problems like this one are not a daunting engineering challenge and can be fixed, right?
Typical empty quick match cycle