I too was one of the unlucky players who didn't unlock the achievement when I unlocked all of the weapons. However, last night I was at a friend's house, where I recovered my gamertag on his Xbox. I loaded up Crysis 2, entered multiplayer and surprise surprise... the achievement popped

Give it a go yourselves.
And you're welcome

Interesting. This seems to indicate that there are problems with the game that somehow are tied in with your profile and save game. Hmm. It makes me wonder if somehow this problem relates to why maybe some people get the grain glitch and others do not. Of course this has nothing to do with the problem you were having with the tooled up achievement, but it's interesting that recovering your gamertag did that. I have tried everything short of recovering my gamertag to try and find a fix for it. Even trying a new save didn't do anything, backed up my save before I did it fortunately. I wonder if recovering my gamertag might would have some kind of effect on the bug. Perhaps the bug is somehow tied into the gamertag for some strange reason. I am just speculating because this post got me thinking.
Good to know about this workaround for that achievement for when I get to rank 45 some day. Hopefully Crytek will have fixed the bug by the time I rank up to that and then I won't need the workaround. I like achievements.

Well, since the recent hackers on most multiplayer games released for Xbox 360 since MW2 have now decided that storing their multiplayer data files on the HDD is a bad idea, whereas now they store it on your Gamertag Data File (Profile) which is why the size increases each time you play a new game with that profile.
However, Crysis 2 does this too meaning that the Data for the multiplayer is stored within a .GPD file, this is because player data is stored on the players profile as opposed to requiring a server; it is cheaper for the developers, and easier for the players, in case that they might lose their profile, they have to restart at Rank 0.
The game saves automatically after each match to the profile's GPD file (Game Played or Gamer Profile Data) meaning if the player quits, or gets removed from a game in progress AFTER reaching a rank, or achieving a weapon unlock, it will glitch and not credit them the specified achievement/unlock.
Thus proving that yes, you are right, the online data is stored within the gamertags details, however recovering the tag MIGHT work as it will re-store any data saved online since the last played game.
Hope this helps.
Very informative. I knew all that, but not in so much detail as you described. Thanks for the info.[/quote]
Hope it helps, I've learnt all that through the findings and uselessness of boredom of the internet and that of people hacking and modding games for years... I've just been interested in modding and hacking but never dared to try it as I don't really want to be banned.
Granted, I have a second Xbox which doesn't play online as I bought it from eBay second hand, and yes, I have fooled about with the single player in games just to have a laugh... Like spawning pink brumaks in Gears of War or making enemies talk really funny in Call of Duty but I won't use my legitimate gamertag and will NOT use my working Xbox.
It's all experimental and I wouldn't ever use them to gain advantage online, which is why I know so much about it all. lol. Personal experience, so it helps, I can spot a hacker a mile away without having to think twice... Though I refuse to use them online, I have been tempted... But only tempted. Nothing more.