Better Host Selection With Better Requirements

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:19 am

Host Selection is terrible in this game that's the only god damn thing that makes this game lag...

I'm in a game right now with party of 4
3 of us have awesome connections, over 10mbps+ download and 1mbps+upload

Game selects the one dude with the worse connection.... 1mbps download & 0.100mbps.... it selected him 4 times in a row in 4 games in a row.... it was a bloody nightmare he even has Moderate NAT!!!

You guys have never seen lag this bad I was running around and droppping dead for no reason and no kill cam lol.

Some idea of what the game should do to select host in lobby

1: Person with Open NAT
2: Person with at least 4mbps download and 1mbps upload
3: If game is lagging (too many people with 1 bar connection) and the game sees this, it should host migrate
(I know it's broken but they may fix it with a new title update)
4: coming soon as someone posts an idea
5: send me some ideas

EDIT if you have an idea to put into my above requirements post it and if it's awesome I'll add it to the list.

Bookmark this as always and we'll get back to it in a few days

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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 8:43 pm

Point 3 FTW! I mean, all MP games can pick bad hosts, as connections can be variable (I've seen it plenty where at the start of the lobby it gives everyone 3 bars, and after a minute everyone except host is reduced to red bar.) But most all other peer 2 peer games will automatically at least attempt a host migration if the host has that bad of connection issues.

As for Open NAT issues, if they do not have Open NAT they should not be in the same lobby as those that do, simply put, as essentially their connection is not compatible with everyone else's. Most games simply won't work without an Open NAT, and I've had plenty of issues with XBox Live directly from NAT issues when mine was close.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:12 am

The game allows people with moderate NAT to host............ this issue needs to be fixed
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Auguste Bartholdi
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 1:34 am

Here's hoping they have some kind of fix for this in the next patch? :)
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Emily Jones
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:38 am

Latency is very important and you need an open NAT to be host already... maybe loads of people don't so it picks the only one with an open one no matter how bad??
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 4:12 am

Latency is very important and you need an open NAT to be host already... maybe loads of people don't so it picks the only one with an open one no matter how bad??

Latency is all about region locking, Europe LOCKED for Europeans, USA Locked for US players... and so on..

the Issue with this is NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE PLAY THIS GOD DAMN GAME!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe the can lower the matchmaking ping... 50ping is awesome 100ping is terrible find the sweet spot
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Leilene Nessel
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 8:05 pm

The most important situation is making sure the game migrates when everyone ends up having a terrible connection to the host. The reason for this is because well.... it's the biggest problem with the MP in this game and... lag switches. I don't believe there are aimbots or any other sort of hacks for this game on console but lag switches are 100% guaranteed in all P2P games simply because anyone can start seeding a few popular torrents and max out their upload bandwidth in a matter of seconds when they become host. Since this game never migrates due to poor connections.... it's open season for anyone sitting near a laptop.

Aside from that.... why the **** wouldn't there already be network code in place for triggering host migrations when everyones connection is utter garbage? Like really..... that's 101 **** guys come on!
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:27 am

At the moment I am on ADSL connection (With a poor speed of 3 DL & 0.75 UL.
I never get host although I am glad due to my speed it would be terrible for every other gamer if I was.
I am switching to FTTC this week were my speed will be 40 DL & 20 UL.
I am going to give this game a go with this connection & see what happens?.
Although I have a feeling I will be shelving it away indefinite until someone at Crytek sort out the shabby network coding and put in some kind of region filter and drop the ping.......
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:25 am

Latency is very important and you need an open NAT to be host already... maybe loads of people don't so it picks the only one with an open one no matter how bad??

Latency is all about region locking, Europe LOCKED for Europeans, USA Locked for US players... and so on..

the Issue with this is NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE PLAY THIS GOD DAMN GAME!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe the can lower the matchmaking ping... 50ping is awesome 100ping is terrible find the sweet spot

I'm sure that there are more than 12 players in most continents... latency is how much time it takes to send stuff to a server and back... if some fella in europe has 200 ping but some american fella has 30 he might be faster than the 200 ping...

Why won't Cry-Adam say if this game needs you to have an OPEN NAT or not like CoD MW2? Cause if it doesn't then turn it on and hosts will be better?
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Iain Lamb
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:49 am

Latency is very important and you need an open NAT to be host already... maybe loads of people don't so it picks the only one with an open one no matter how bad??

Latency is all about region locking, Europe LOCKED for Europeans, USA Locked for US players... and so on..

the Issue with this is NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE PLAY THIS GOD DAMN GAME!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe the can lower the matchmaking ping... 50ping is awesome 100ping is terrible find the sweet spot

I'm sure that there are more than 12 players in most continents... latency is how much time it takes to send stuff to a server and back... if some fella in europe has 200 ping but some american fella has 30 he might be faster than the 200 ping...

Why won't Cry-Adam say if this game needs you to have an OPEN NAT or not like CoD MW2? Cause if it doesn't then turn it on and hosts will be better?

All games multiplayer games need open NAT... Otherwise your just limiting who you can play with slow matchmaking and data packs go missing.... like Bullets
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:08 am

Doesn't Nat limit if you can be host? You can play GOW3 Beta with a strict or moderate NAT so...
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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 7:09 am

Doesn't Nat limit if you can be host? You can play GOW3 Beta with a strict or moderate NAT so...
It should block you from being host, not sure if you know your networking terms, but NAT (Network Address Translation) changes your internal IP address (192.168.0.whatever) to the external IP. If you have a strict or moderate NAT, then the devices (in this case the XBOXes) won't be able to communicate correctly because the security is blocking some, if not all of the connection.. Which is why if you temporarily set your NAT to strict or closed, (depending on your router) you won't be able to hear other people with moderate or strict NATs.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 7:42 am

Doesn't Nat limit if you can be host? You can play GOW3 Beta with a strict or moderate NAT so...

It should block you from being host, not sure if you know your networking terms, but NAT (Network Address Translation) changes your internal IP address (192.168.0.whatever) to the external IP. If you have a strict or moderate NAT, then the devices (in this case the XBOXes) won't be able to communicate correctly because the security is blocking some, if not all of the connection.. Which is why if you temporarily set your NAT to strict or closed, (depending on your router) you won't be able to hear other people with moderate or strict NATs.

The thing is with the NAT that I'm talking about is the one that lets you host which is open?
If ya read the Microsoft link it says difficulty connecting to other players, this could be when Crysis 2 says could not connect to host due to NAT type and people are saying that sometimes it open and sometimes it closed/strict moderete w00tever... do not being host sorta tells you that it can cause some connectivity issues...
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