Whats up guys, I saw this topic awhile back that was about the races of Skyrim getting certain perks from the start instead of bonuses to attributes because they are not there anymore, I found this topic really interesting because if this is the way it is going to be done it will affect our playing from the very beggining of the game. Somebody also created a list on that topic about the races and what perk they will have and since that topic is basically lost to the forums now I'd like to make my own list, mostly just for [censored]z n' giggles. If this is done right it could be really cool but if it is just mundane, like an orc gets a plus 5 to hammers or something I will scream my voice raw. Perks shouldnt be static like that, they will go nowhere, they NEED to be dynamic with the ability to branch out and evolve. Perks for races should not only be a little appetizer in the begging of the game that is useless in the long run like in Oblivion, perks for races should continuosly defines your character throughout the game because aside from being dragonborn(which Ive come to see as a birthsign) you are part of a distinct race so there is no reason we shouldnt be distinct. Races should have access to outstanding perks at higher levels exclusive to their race because in the end we all want to feel a huge sense of power and uniqueness. This is the other reason I am making this list so.....tell me what you think and if you have ideas please add.
I will make a list for every race but first I would like to focus on one race, to further explain this idea and so I wont have a huge post.
First up is Altmer because it is probably my favorite race apart from Redgaurd and that will probably be next so......here we go.
Altmer - Generally Talented Mages
Low Level Perks/ Starting Perks
1. Magicka Affinity - This perk allows High Elves to recharge magic at a faster rate than other races, as well as gain a larger increase in magic than other races when chosen during level ups. Spell cost for all spells are reduced.
2. Achilles Heel - High weakness to destruction magic.
3. Child of Destruction - The might of a high elves destruction magic far outstrips any other races prowess, destruction magic does 25% more damage than other races. Destructive effects last longer.
Mid Level Perks
1. Magicka Affinity - Upgraded so that magic recharges faster, magic increases are doubled, and spell cost are reduced further.
2. Achilles Heel - Medium weakness to destruction magic.
3. Child of Destruction - Magic now does 25% more damage than normal. Destructive effects last longer. Area of effect is bigger. Everytime an enemy is destroyed by elemental magic the altmer gains an increase to the power of destruction spells so once a high elf gets on a good roll and their magic is activly flowing the altmer can severly punish large groups of enemies.
High Level Perks
1. Magicka Affinity - Magic nearlly rushes into the altmer, magic increases are tripled, spell cost is reduced further. Altmer have a faint glow around their bodies that increases in intensity when destructive magic is used.
2. Achilles Heel - Low weakness to destruction magic.
3. Child of Destruction- 25% more damage, destructive effect last longer and area is bigger, 'Destruction rampage' gives larger bonuses to damage.
4. Will of the Altmer - If health depletes to zero an Altmer wont die immediatly, the remaining magic becomes a desperate last ditch effort to stay alive and slowly drains as long as a high elfs health is at zero, hits to magic supply quicken the draining process. This also works for stamina so an Altmer can sprint for extended periods of time at the cost of depleting magic once fatigue bar is depleted. This means altmer can withstand powerful physical attacks and exertions for extended periods without dying or colapsing.
Tell me what you think.