The Imperial College Of The Voice

Post » Wed May 18, 2011 7:18 pm

So, we know about the Dragon language appearing in Skyrim which will be used by the character to activate "Dragon Shouts" this technique used by the Dovahkiin has been connected to the ancient Nordic warriors "The Tounges" who used to use "The Voice" or more correctly, it was called "Thu'um", to blow down enemy city gates, inspire warriors through battle cries, talk to people other epic distances, fast travel by appearing in wherever their shout lands, sharpen weapons and all kinds of cool tricks by speaking in an ancient language (which is most likely Draconic), which has been confirmed to be the power used by our Dovahkiin, so does this mean that more people than just Dragonborn are able to use the Dragon shouts, because according to Lore, the emporer set up a new academy named "The Imperal College Of The Voice" in order to attempt to restore this ancient battle technique, and the old "Toungues" are none other than the Greybeards who reside up in High Hrothgar who are kept gagged as there "Thu'um" is so great in can cause great destruction. Which leads me to wonder, if the "Thu'um" and Dragon shouts are one and the same, doesnt that just mean they could just NOT speak in Dragon in order to prevent them destroying? And does it mean that anyone and not just Dragonborn can learn this technique? And if the power is so destructive and ancient and mysterious then why is there a whole academy open for it down in Markarth Side? (im assuming it is open due to no Lore saying anything about it being closed down that i know of)
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Emily Graham
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 11:19 pm

Probably a lore mismatch.

Skyrims Dragon shout lore says that the power is in the Words, not the user...... where as in TES lore the power is in the user :shrug: guess we'll see..
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:38 am

Im hoping the Academy is now closed due to the technique being long dead, and we can enter the ruins and thats possibly where we find and learn how to use our first beginner shouts. I think the power is possibly in the user, as Dragonborn are born naturally with the knowledge of how to use the shouts and other non Dragonborn take years and years and years of thier life to learn and focus the language into shouts... this would be a simple and interesting reason.

EDIT: Few word mistakes, just changed incase you read and got confused... ^_^
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 9:36 am

Ahh, i have just read somewhere that the College is used as more a nursing home for young Nord nobles now, so im guessing that its true purpose is now forgotten, and we may possibly have to go there to discover secrets of the voice, which will be hard to get close too since the whole area of Whiterun which contains Markarth side is ruled by a witch named Jsashe, and self proclaimed "Priestess Of Lorkhan"... should be fun.
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Melis Hristina
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:09 pm

Ahh, i have just read somewhere that the College is used as more a nursing home for young Nord nobles now, so im guessing that its true purpose is now forgotten, and we may possibly have to go there to discover secrets of the voice, which will be hard to get close too since the whole area of Whiterun which contains Markarth side

Markarth is to the west in the canyon hold known as the Reach while Whiterun is near the center in the tundra hold known as...Whiterun. Their holds border each other, but the cities are not "close" to each other. (based on the next two maps) (Markarth to the far right, Whiterun near the center). (outdated now)
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 11:57 pm

Oh okay, i probably just read a wrong source, so is my statement correct about The Academy? What state is it in right now and what is it up to?
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Robyn Howlett
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