Dungeon Size

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 9:20 am

It’s been mentioned by Todd that out of the 130+ dungeons that will be in the game; most of them will be small, maybe 15 minutes in size while there will be large dungeons that may take a couple of hours to finish.

In general I agree with this as dungeons should be different size and as much as you do need small quick in and out caves etc. I look forward to completing an epic dungeon.

I have a slight concern though that some of you may be able to clear up as I can’t remember how it worked in Oblivion as I haven’t played that in years, but I am currently playing Morrowind and I don’t think huge 2 hour+ dungeons would work in that game.

In Morrowind; if you go into a dungeon, kill everything and then leave; only to return again; the dungeon is filled with creatures again. This sort of means that you want to finish the whole dungeon in one go. The problem with this is that if a dungeon will take 2 hours+ to finish; I would expect lots of items and people to kill which may all be carrying weapons and armour etc.

I seem to remember in Oblivion while doing dungeons; if my carry capacity was full, I could just run home to drop everything off and then return to the dungeon to finish it.

If creatures will re-appear after leaving then you would have to empty the dungeon and then pick a selection of the loot to keep as the rest would disappear. I hope it’s like I mentioned with Oblivion how you can leave without more creatures appearing.

On a slightly different note; I think it may be fun to find a huge dungeon someone that you have emptied and then claim it for your home; I’m sure there would be plenty of chests etc. to store stuff as long as the entrance is somewhere not to far away to travel to.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:52 am

I don't remember him saying "most will be small", but he did say that some would be. He also mentioned that others will be aprx 2 hours long.
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Jenna Fields
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:30 am

Creatures do not and will not respawn immediately after leaving. It will take a few days at least. And I'm also pretty sure that means a few days without you having gone in it, so if the timer's almost down for respawning and you go back, it will reset again. You'll have plenty of time to drop your loot off at home.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 11:12 am

They may be bigger - some will at least. But the complex puzzles sounds to me as if the smaller ones will take longer to go through....

I saw a post somewhere on a review or Todd saying they take anything from half an hour to 1-2 hours to go through.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 8:19 pm

About half will be 15 minutes, and the other half bigger, some up to 1-2 hours. Sounds good to me.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:07 am

I seem to remember in Oblivion while doing dungeons; if my carry capacity was full, I could just run home to drop everything off and then return to the dungeon to finish it.

i do it this too, but after some time i put no-fasttravel and more-crarry mods in, because it was waste of time
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 10:57 am

I believe that dungeons should be the size of Summerset Isle, and the amount of mobs/items/content should outweigh the entire game of daggerfall.
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Marion Geneste
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:07 am

I dig the idea of smaller 15 to 20 minute dungeons and than the epic one or two hour ones. The bigger
may have a quest of sorts to go with it? while I smaller ones are for loot and XP?
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adam holden
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 7:16 pm

It’s been mentioned by Todd that out of the 130+ dungeons that will be in the game; most of them will be small, maybe 15 minutes in size while there will be large dungeons that may take a couple of hours to finish.

In general I agree with this as dungeons should be different size and as much as you do need small quick in and out caves etc. I look forward to completing an epic dungeon.

I have a slight concern though that some of you may be able to clear up as I can’t remember how it worked in Oblivion as I haven’t played that in years, but I am currently playing Morrowind and I don’t think huge 2 hour+ dungeons would work in that game.

In Morrowind; if you go into a dungeon, kill everything and then leave; only to return again; the dungeon is filled with creatures again. This sort of means that you want to finish the whole dungeon in one go. The problem with this is that if a dungeon will take 2 hours+ to finish; I would expect lots of items and people to kill which may all be carrying weapons and armour etc.

I seem to remember in Oblivion while doing dungeons; if my carry capacity was full, I could just run home to drop everything off and then return to the dungeon to finish it.

If creatures will re-appear after leaving then you would have to empty the dungeon and then pick a selection of the loot to keep as the rest would disappear. I hope it’s like I mentioned with Oblivion how you can leave without more creatures appearing.

On a slightly different note; I think it may be fun to find a huge dungeon someone that you have emptied and then claim it for your home; I’m sure there would be plenty of chests etc. to store stuff as long as the entrance is somewhere not to far away to travel to.

In Oblivion a dungeon respawned three days after you visited it.
Morrowind used a mix: most placed did not respawn, other respawned at once. Remember a daeric ruin north east of Vivec, the inner chamber spawned daedra each time I entered, nice place to farm for high end weapons at high levels.
This will not happened in Skyrim, as it’s a primitive way of doing it, either no respawn or respawn after a number of days.

I’m most afraid we get no respawn and too few high level dungeons making you run out of interesting places, if you have 80 unexplored dungeons is little help if they all is 10 levels below you.
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