» Thu May 19, 2011 12:15 am
The world of Fallout 3 was barren, harsh, depressing, unattractive, and dull. I am sure that there will be such places in Skyrim, but from what we've been told, and from screenshots we've seen, the game world will be so much more alive and interesting than the Capital Wasteland.
I'm not going to lie, but when I was playing Fallout 3, I was not very interested in exploring the world, as there were not many attractive sights to be seen, with the exception of the tiny place called Oasis. The post-apocalyptic world did not keep me interested in the game, and all I could think about was how I wish I were playing an Elder Scrolls game instead, where far more interesting, diverse, and lush environments can be seen.
I really cannot draw any comparisons between the screenshots we've seen and Fallout 3. In several of the screenshots of Skyrim we've seen grass, forests, pristine unpolluted rivers and streams, and several settlements and taverns teaming with life. The world of Skyrim will be far brighter and happier than Fallout. I would not worry about any Elder Scrolls game looking like Fallout. It won't happen.