
Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:15 pm

To the DearBrothers this may concern,

This is not an MMO, attempting to make it one will only hurt the game in the long run. Running a shop in an MMO is relevant to the game because you have tons of other players to keep it interesting and dynamic. Owning a shop in a single-player game would get boring fast. I'm guessing the AI in Skyrim isn't quite smart enough to keep buying and selling new things every day and maybe have a quick chat with the owner.

You're in the minority here as well. The argument you used was that just because other people don't want it doesn't mean it shouldn't make it in the game. Do you see that many people here besides yourself arguing for a feature like this? Sure, it'd be nice if they included it for the minority of people who absolutely need it but Bethesda has instead decided to cater to the majority of people who rightfully expect a fully realized adventure/role-playing game. Not including things like this allows them more time and resources to make the best adventure game the can make. If that many people wanted this in the game, then this would be a shop owning simulation game, which I'm sure already exists elsewhere.

You're spiralling WAAAAY to the left field. I said AN MMO had an ingame shop that had nothing to do with Taxes, Demand, any of that. You had a store, and you can literally slap items in and they can collect dust or act as a storage bin.

I'm not saying make it in the game. lol It's already there. All they have to do is expan on it. Savvy?

You can already do're...hurting my brains becaue you used the same lame words..BUSINESS Simulation game? Shop owning simulation? WTF this aint Farmville! You can already have set it and forget it ideals. All you have to do is check up on it, IF YOU USE IT. <-----Ding ding ding.

To say this option is silly, is down right insane because The way you adventure is different from others. Majority of the people? I'm sorry huh? Do you even know what you just said? If that many people wanted it, then why is it already in Morrowind and Oblivion?
A) You can Decorate and OWN A home.
B) You can set it and forget it style Merc Groups.
C) You can already own a Shop Keeper (Mead Hall)

I'm saying combine it: Own a Decorated Store that has Set it and Forget type ideals. I'm saying expand on it to the point you can have travelers come to you because...some of us don't go "Cave Diving" every five minutes of our characters life, And we don't want to miss out on goodies (Like I said, random travelers = If we left a sword behind in that cave that exploded with magic...some one else could have went digging and found it again). We like to raise barter skills, earn money with out even leaving the castle area. Get the most out of trading our goods we plundered. And control the prices that is some BS Health pots are 50 septims. =/
Also, We like talking and hearing lovable quotes from people..or they wouldn't put that much thought into Dialogue.

This aint a mini-game, it's almost a reward for beating the Mages Guild, and they chip in to give you goodies/stuff we found. Think Fallout when you do good things for the townsfolk, they will randomly run up to you and hand you [censored] they found on their salvage run if you are done wiht their quest line/high reputation. game. Not Skyrim (We don't know yet) but previous titles which...they probably already have something close ot this because it's been in every game so far. Same with Fallout Games too, they have the same style aswell, just not built EXACTLY like above.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 7:30 am

Look, can you just offer up your suggestions without be obnoxious and rude? I promise it'll help your argument. You keep saying that a feature like this would be beneficial to "silver-tongued characters." How is dumping items in a box and waiting for a profit any better than walking into someone's else's store and haggling with them, which I'm sure will be a thing in Skyrim. You can't suddenly change you idea from owning a store to throwing things in a box to turn a profit and expect people to understand what you're talking about. This is a roleplaying game, sure, but there are limits within that idea. You are the Dovahkiin, whether you decide to make him a big dumb warrior or a clever... salesmen, you can do that. Owning a shop is too far outside the scope of the expectations and the narrative of the game. Even if they included something like this I'm sure most players wouldn't even notice it. The designers have more important things to worry about. It'd be awesome if they finished up everything else and had some time left over to implement shop owning but it's probably not a priority for them.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:29 pm

I do think its weird that the only way to make a living in the previous games is to become a monster/demon killing super-human adventurer. Me and my brother have always tried to make characters that were "common citizens". It never really worked because it got boring after a while. Having jobs would make "pacifist" characters not only fun but also playable.
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 4:01 am

I'd be interested in jobs for a role-play and money making standpoint, though I wouldn't want to be "tied down" by it. However, owning a store or summish would be pretty cool. Perhaps you could sell the weapons and other miscellany that you loot from the various ruins and caves around the province? That'd be very neat to do.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:34 pm

Look, can you just offer up your suggestions without be obnoxious and rude? I promise it'll help your argument. You keep saying that a feature like this would be beneficial to "silver-tongued characters." How is dumping items in a box and waiting for a profit any better than walking into someone's else's store and haggling with them, which I'm sure will be a thing in Skyrim. You can't suddenly change you idea from owning a store to throwing things in a box to turn a profit and expect people to understand what you're talking about. This is a roleplaying game, sure, but there are limits within that idea. You are the Dovahkiin, whether you decide to make him a big dumb warrior or a clever... salesmen, you can do that. Owning a shop is too far outside the scope of the expectations and the narrative of the game. Even if they included something like this I'm sure most players wouldn't even notice it. The designers have more important things to worry about. It'd be awesome if they finished up everything else and had some time left over to implement shop owning but it's probably not a priority for them.

I'm not being Obnoxious. Some of the replies are down right uneducated. I'm not making any arguements, I'm telling you what would be cool to have because...some of us like to deal with NPCs in a "Civil" Manner. Take Mass Effect where if you were a talker, you could even have the bad guy's "Kill themselves" or stop, and move along.
THAT IS An Aspect in Oblivion, Morrowind, Fallout, which are all done by TES. Fallout series has the PERK for Lady Killer! So you mean to tell me everyone is a straight Adventurer? Well I'm the Vault Dweller, and I want to be a Slick Talker to get out of my troubles or I want ot be a Melee Smashing Hulkamaniac and go barefisted and naked into the night killing supermutants.

For Starters:
Dumping it in a box and waiting for profit? Uhhh...Storage bin till you can sell it. Because you don't OWN a home at the begining of the game, So you can always go BACK when you're done being the Dovahkinn. (Because you know the MAIN story ends right? And the Free-Roam TRULY begins OR heck...not even the Dovahkiin/Neravine/Champion of Cyrodill, untill like months later, and your level 30 already after doing Side quests/Owning Homes...).I'm a Pack rat, in every TES game ALSO, Seeing they have HOMES to decorate...just make the HOME your store. Problem Solved? lol Dump things into a box not help silver tongues. Silver Tongues usually start weak, and get stronger through money silly goose!

For people who are Silver Tongued Devils:
Be the Shop Keep and wait for people to come in and chat with them, When you talk to people You do what? Well ME personally..I go straight to the Desposition "Mini-Game" (Which I loved in Oblivion). Which helps:
1) level up Speechcraft skill
2) Helped get more info like dungeon locations because I'm not strong enough to "Explore"
3) Helped get ahead in the story through being "Good" or knowing how to "Talk to people" so the Dovahkiins who are smooth talkers can do it that way (Bard style if you will)
ALSO when you deal with Traders you
1) Level your Mercantile Skill
2) Ability to Buy more or trade more with Shop Keeps who now have more gold/more items they specialize in

With TES and Fall out I've always explored almost every aspect and I like all of them.
Silver tongued characters for me...set up my playthroughs next time. 1st time around, Talker/Collector, 2nd Time around, Warrior or Mage and I use my knowledge to go AFTER what helps me be a Warrior/Mage. Money making characters HELP me get into the game.
My first character is always:
1) Pack Rat, find stuff that is cool, find out what sells the highest/most, find stuff that helps me with quests later down the road (like say I killed a 4 bears in a quest? those hides go to another quest from another guy)
2) Silver Tongue, Speech guy
3) Almost Non-combative because I don't KNOW what boss fights will insue. So instead of Resetting from save points because the guy MURDERED me, I know what to look out for next play throughs.
Shop Keep = Silver Tongues
Place for Storage = Rest of you who don't want a Shop.
See? Best of both worlds. And easy to Obtain if you know how. Stealth Killers can kill a shop keep owner, and take his store. Mages can do the same...but might have issues with Guards. Warriors same as mages. If you don't want the shop "On" turn it into a storage bin so you people who "Adventure" don't have to buy a home. <-----See?

It also helps you MAX completionist. What do I mean by that?
You know how in Morrowind and Oblivion you can prety much max everything? Mage skills, Warrior skills, Stealth skills?
Shopkeeper can get you money to buy those spells up so you don't have to spend 3 hrs conjuring Imps to level up your Conjuration skill.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:19 pm

Forget it, DearBrother. I mean, it's not a SMASH BASH LOL system, people will always hate on it, regardless of how they don't actually have to use it, and literally thousands of players love it.
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