Bit of customization for ya..

Post » Wed May 18, 2011 10:36 pm


I think it would be awesome if clothes could be Dyed!!! there arent enough clothes so some colour variation would be awesome!
with clothes there is of course armour. It would be amazing to be able to craft armour of different styles with different materials (given the player knows how, or its a possible combination) for example ebony orcish, adamantium elven... stahlrim orcish? bonemould elven!!

so... armour and clothes should have a few colour options!!

1: cloth pieces. the cloth should be dye able after the Armour is made
2: leathers and skins .
3: furs
4: plates (metals mostly but also encompassing things like bonemould and glass)
5: ornaments (like gems or trinkets or such useless items that should probably add to the enchant value)

ok... so firstly...

the "plates" used give the Armour the weight. the style gives the Armour a weight modifier (like x1.15 or x0.75). the style gives a protection value. the weight gives a protection modifier. the armour would also have skingroups (or shaders, or a combo) to match

the "leather/skin" also add to the weight/protection/enchant value- but not as much. different "leather/skins" would be useable. scamp skin+black leather+ white leather for example. (one leather part is black,another white.. the skin would be pinkish and would change stats a little. this could be done with shaders and algorithms)

the "fur" part would add to the enchant value. it would also be of a different colour depending on what fur was used (and i can imagine a way different lengths would be doable) it could also be completely ignored

cloth.. again could be optional for some armours ( you dont need a loincloth attached to your platemail for it to be functional, but you do need cloth if you are making a shirt or for armour to stick together) cloth should be dyeable after it's part of the Armour as well as before. cloth should add to the enchant value and weight of an Armour.

ornaments... gems have different colours.. some armour might randomly have colourfull string on as decorations. some clothes might have feather decorations. enchant value additions!!

ok. texture wise.. a few ideas that might make this feasible.
1: materials are added in the construction set. each material has a material shader and a colour. some examples...

plates for example would have "metal,glass and bone shaders" (there would probably be more, but anyhow)

bonemould would be "bone+yellow"
dreugh hide would be "bone+ brown"
iron would be "metal+ dark grey"
adamantite would be "metal+ white with a small bit of a blue tint"
ebony would be "glass+black"
glass would be "glass+ green"

the same thing would happen with the other materials. the material shader (not the colour) will change the appearance of items clean,damaged,rusted,cold,dusted,wet,underwater,muddy,snowed on etc

as for armour pieces

1: different armour smithing would have different learning requirements and quests. new armour body groups would be learnt at different times.
2: armour needs variations. look how varied armours have been in history. .Its all samurai armour, but its all very different at the same time (*orcish*) some body groups could change the attributes of Armour slightly... looking at the link i posted above you can see that wearing some would effect how people think of you, your stealth.. and how much you are carrying. some variations would be considered differently than others. for example a common soldier would not be wearing a giant orcish monstrosity whilst a general would wear a giant monster of a helmet to help denote his rank and differentiate him from the rest of his troops.
3: combined with the whacky material system.. there might as well be 428610561 combinations of primitive nordic armour alone...
4: obviously most combinations would not happen regularly in random loot. indoril armour made of adamantium will not be a common sight. however a posh western plate armour made of ebony might also be findable in steel.


as for spells.. i think it would be great if spell effects could have different colours applied to them. for example a skeleton mage might shoot green lightning. a witch might use red lightning. a storm atronach might have purple lightning. a golden saint might have yellow lightning. lightning would be colourless usualy but a special spell might have a different colour with it to also show that it has another effect mixed with it or just to make the player feel special.

spells should also sometimes have different looks. for example fire in a flamethrower form could be blasted out like a burning gas (similar to how most games portray flamethrowers) it could be blasted out with the apearance of a flamable liquid (like a real flamethrower).. it could be a ghostly toungue made of fire that licks around for targets. it could form a teardrop shape like that of a blue flame on a bunsen burner or someone off a cartoon! flames could have an unreal apearance about them from the way they move. a powerfull blast of lightning could be a single, large and bright bolt or many smaller ones! an ellemental attack could be a small ball, a wall , a beam, a bunch of beams, a rapid fire assault or a giant ball effected by gravity (to be cast OVER things) or it could simply be you clicking your fingers and watching the spell effect someone else (good for stealth) . some of these would require more skill and mana but most would just be to apear differently.

conjuration should have entrances to match the type of daedra summoned. a daedra of azura might apear in a bright light whilst a daedra of mehrunes dagon would have a loud and explosive entrance

Some spells should appear differently with power!!
Fire would change colour depending on its damage (also effecting the light it gives off)
Electricity would become thicker and have more bolts
Frost would apear more solid (by becoming whiter)

Atronaches ( possibly the most interesting enemy) should be awesome when it comes to magical effects. they were stupid in oblivion. in oblivion a fire atronach was still made of a solid fire that did no damage when dead! in skyrim all atronaches should be floating rocks ( with fire atronaches having burnt rocks, ice atronaches having ice instead of rocks) loosely forming a humanoid shape. they should have the appropriate lightning/fire/cold mist inside of them. their effects should also cast light!! but remember how magical effects should change!! a dying fire atronach with little health should cast a dim,red light, more smoke than fire while a healthy atronach would cast a bright yellow light and have yellow flames. a "Greater fire atronach" would have blue fire and no smoke. a special atronach could have green fire that slowly changes to purple as you fight it! when the atronaches die their effect should just fall off and their remains should just be a bunch of rocks plus a salt.

drain spells would have more blur

CAVES and dungeons

for caves... there should be many colours for the walls!! (easily done by a shader)

each dungeon cell should have options for...

what the stone looks like in the cave (normal maps most likely) (many dimples,smooth,scared,bumpy,jaged etc)
what colour(s) is the stone
how shiney the walls are (wet caves or dry caves)
how much dust is in the place ( modified from the dynamic snow system)

coupled with other props in the cave and lighting this would help stop players seeing repeated cave parts
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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 9:43 pm

I've been hoping for long about armor customization,but I doubt it'll be that intricate. I'm hoping we'll get
details about smithing and crafting. color choices should be in! Black chainmail+black cloak= win. Also
If cloaks are in I hope theres an option to have the hood up or down. :toughninja:
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:16 am

yes... cant believe i forgot about the cloaks...
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Sophie Payne
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